Le 27 Parole Italiane più Usate in ASSOLUTO! (sufficienti per parlare in qualsiasi contesto) 😉 😉

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In this lesson, we are going to talk about the 27 Italian words that, according some studies and researches, represent 50% of texts and conversation of every Italian and, therefore they're used n most of contexts and situations! We are going to subdivide them into 3 main categories:  nouns, adjectives and verbs.

The Most Common Words in Italian

Let's begin with nouns:

1) cosa:  Italians use this word to refer to any object or concept!

Example: “Passami la cosa sul coso” (Hand me the THING that's placed on the THING) (when we ask someone to pass us something that is placed on a shelf). (You can find a t-shirt with this sentence written on it on our e-shop LearnAmo Collection, with any other amazing items)

2) uomo: this noun, as we know, refers to male people, but it can be also used to refer o the entire mankind.

Example: “L’uomo è capace di compiere meraviglie e orrori” (MAN is capable to do both wonderful things and horrible things) (we are not referring to a man in particular, but to the entire human race)

3) giorno: this word can refer to a date or event.

Example: “Il giorno del matrimonio di mia cugina indossavo un vestito nero”(On my cousin's wedding DAY, I was wearing a black dress!)

But it can be also used to refer to the morning.

Example: “Vado al cinema di giorno”  (I go to the cinema by DAY)

At last, it can be used as abbreviation of “buongiorno” (good morning)

Example: " 'Giorno!" (Morning!)

4) modo: it is used to indicate the way of doing things.

Example: “il nostro modo di spiegare l’italiano è piuttosto originale” (Our WAY of explaining Italian is quite original)

5) paese: this noun is very used because in Italian it has two meanings

"paese" with lower case “p” usually refers to a small-medium  city center.

Example: "Devi portare la lettera in paese" (You must take a letter to the village)

Instead, with the capital “P” usually refers to a Nation

Example: "L'Italia è il Paese che amo" (Italy is the country I love)

6) signore: even this word has various meanings.

First of all it is used as a form of respect, to indicate a man of a certain age, from 30-35 years onward.

Example: "Quel signore è molto alto" (That gentleman is very tall)

It can be also used to refer to a man who has an important social and economic status

Example: “I suoi studi nel Regno Unito gli hanno permesso di fare una fortuna e diventare un vero signore” (His studies allowed him to make his fortune and become a true GENTLEMAN)

The last meaning, distinguished by a capital “S”, is “Dio” (God).

Example: "il prete ha salutato i fedeli dicendo: Che il Signore sia con voi". (The pries has greeted the faithful by saying: May The LORD be with you)

7) ora: it mainly refers to time

Example: “Che ora è? Sono le 4:30” (What TIME is it? It's half past four).

It can also mean: “adesso”, “in questo momento” (now, in this moment)

Example: “Ora passiamo al sostantivo numero 8” (Now let's move to noun number 8)

8) casa: this word can be used to indicate a "casa" (house) as a building and fixed abode.

Example: "Ho comprato una casa nuova" (I bought a new house)

It can also indicate a safe and welcoming place

Example: “YouTube è la mia casa” (Youtube is my home)

9) parte: this noun can be referred to a "place"

Example: “Non riesco a trovare il mio cellulare da nessuna parte” (I can't find my cellphone ANYWHERE)

But it can also indicate the portion of something

Example: “Ho ricevuto una parte dell’eredità di mia zia” (I received PART of my aunt's estate)

Now let's move to the most common adjectives:

1) quello (that)

2) questo (this)

3) mio (my)

4) suo (his/her/its)

5) nostro (our)

6) grande (big/large)

7) piccolo (little/small)

8) stesso (same)

9) molto / tanto (very/much)

Let's see, finally, the most used verbs:

1) essere (to be) / 2) avere (to have) (these two are the most used ones since they're the auxiliary verbs)

3) dire (to say)

4) potere (can/could) / 5) volere (will/would) / 6) dovere (must/have to) (modal verbs)

7) vedere (to see)

8) andare (to go)

9) mangiare (to eat) (Italians' favorite verb)

Alright, these are the most common Italian words, write us which is the word YOU use the most and if it is among the words we have listed. Besides we suggest you to take a look at our video about 9 most difficult tongue-twisters in Italian to test your pronunciation, don't miss it: SCIOGLILINGUA italiani IMPOSSIBILI (c... 👈🏽
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