Le preposizioni in italiano (DI, A, DA, IN, CON, SU, PER, TRA, FRA) - Italian prepositions

407.6 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - Exercises and explanation:
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What preposition should I use with this verb? When should I use this preposition? What’s a preposition? What’s the most appropriate one in this situation? These questions torment every Italian learner! In this lesson you’ll learn all Italian prepositions and how to use them!  😆

Italian Prepositions
The Italian prepositions are: DI, A, DA, IN, CON, SU, PER, TRA, FRA.

Let’s try to understand when and how to use them!



possession → La valigia è di Giada. [Giada’s suitcase]
material → Il bicchiere è di vetro. [A glass made of glass]
topic → Il libro è di geografia. [The geography book]
manner → Al mattino vado sempre di fretta! [I am always in a hurry in the morning]
origin, provenance → Io sono di Bari, mentre Carlo è di Roma. [I am from Bari, while Carlo is from Rome]



state in a place  → Francesco è a casa. [Francesco is at home]
movement to a place (with cities) → Domani vado a Milano per lavoro. [Tomorrow I’ll go to Milan to work]
target (= something or someone to which/whom the action is addresses) → Racconto il segreto a Maria. [I am telling Maria the secret]
time (= with months and hours) → A febbraio vado sempre in montagna. [In February I always go to the mountains]



movement from a place (= a place from which I arrive) → Siamo appena tornati da Pisa. [We have just come back from Pisa]
movement to a person (= with people!) → Nel pomeriggio ho un appuntamento dal dentista. [I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon]
time (= with actions that began in the past and are still going on when we speak) → Vivo in questa casa da 5 anni. [I’ve been living in this house for 5 years]
agent (= in passive sentences, the person who carries out the action) → Questo libro è stato scritto da uno scrittore famoso. [This book was written by a famous writer]
goal (= reason why something is created) → Questa è una macchina da scrivere. [This is a typewriter]



state in a place → Ti sto aspettando in macchina. [I am waiting for you in the car]
movement to a place (= with nations) → Questa estate vado in Spagna con la mia famiglia. [This summer I’ll go to Spain with my family]
feelings → Mi sento in colpa per non averlo aiutato con quel lavoro. [I feel guilty because I didn’t help him with that job]
means of transport → Andiamo a Torino in aereo. [We go to Turin by airplane]
time (= with seasons and day moments) → In primavera ci sono molti fiori. [I spring there are many flowers]



company (= person with whom we do something) → Vado in Brasile con Biagio. [I am going to Brazil with Biagio]
instrument with which we do something → Scriviamo con la penna. [We write with the pen]



position of something (or someone) on something else (or someone else) → Il libro è sul tavolo. [The book is on the table]
topic (except for the verb “parlare”, which requires the preposition “di”!) → Scrivo un articolo sulla guerra in Siria. [I am writing an article about the war in Syria]



movement to a place (= a place we cross to reach another place) → Vado a Milano passando per Roma. [I go to Milan by way of Rome]
time duration → Ha fatto la cantante per 3 anni. [I was a singer for 3 years]
cause → Piango per il dolore. [I cry because of the pain]


are synonyms and indicate:

the position of something or someone between 2 or more people or things → Casa mia è tra la chiesa e la farmacia. [My house is between the church and the pharmacy]
alternative → Per la cena di stasera puoi scegliere tra carne o pesce. [For tonight dinner you can choose between fish and meat]
relationship (= with people) → Tra Marco e Teresa c’è grande amore. [There is a great love between Marco and Teresa]
time (= with regard to the future, time between the moment I speak and the event) → Tra due mesi partono per Londra. [They’ll leave for London in two months]

Examples of state in place with IN and A:

a casa, a scuola, a lavoro

in macchina, in autobus, nel supermercato, nel cinema, in farmacia, in ospedale

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