50 FRASI ITALIANE per Principianti (A1/A2) e Intermedi (B1/B2): Impara le Basi dell'italiano! 🇮🇹

46.4 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - In this video-lesson we are
In this video-lesson we are going to show you some essential Italian sentences (translated in English, French and Spanish) for beginners to speak the language of Dante immediately!

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50 Sentences to learn Italian immediately!

Here are  the 50 sentences that everybody should know in order to start speaking Italian, let's get it started!

Come stai?

English: How are you?

French: Comment vas-tu?

Spanish: ¿Cómo estás?

Sto bene!

English: I'm fine!

French: Je vais bien!

Spanish: ¡Estoy bien!


English: Thank you!

French: Merci!

Spanish: ¡Gracias!


English: You're welcome!

French: De rien!

Spanish: ¡De nada!


English: Nice to meet you!

French: Enchanté(e)!

Spanish: ¡Mucho gusto!

Come ti chiami?

English: What's your name?

French: Comment tu t'appelles?

Spanish: ¿Cómo te llamas?

Mi chiamo…

English: My name is...

French: Je m'appelle...

Spanish: Me llamo...


English: Good morning

French: Bonjour

Spanish: Buenos días

Buon pomeriggio

English: Good afternoon

French: Bonne aprés-midí

Spanish: Buenas tardes


English: Good evening

French: Bonsoir

Spanish: Buenas tardes


English: Good night

French: Bonne nuit

Spanish: Buenas noches


English: Goodbye!

French: Adíeu!

Spanish: ¡Adiós!

A presto!

English: See you soon!

French: Á bíentôt

Spanish: ¡Hasta luego!

Mi manchi

English: I miss you

French: Tu me manques

Spanish: Te echo de menos

Anche tu

English: You too

French: Toi aussí

Spanish: Tú tambíen?

Cosa stai facendo?

English: What are you doing?

French: Qu'est-ce que tu fais?

Spanish: ¿Qué estas hacíendo?


English: Nothing

French: Rien

Spanish: Nada

English: Yes

French: Ouí

Spanish: Sí


English: No

French: Non

Spanish: No

Cosa stai studiando?

English: What are you studying?

French: Qu'est-ce que tu étudíes?

Spanish: ¿Qué estás estudiando?

Studio lingue straniere

English: I am studying foreign languages

French: J'apprends les langues étrangéres

Spanish: Estudio idíomas extranjeros

Sei occupato/a?

English: Are you busy?

French: Tu es occupé(e)?

Spanish: ¿Estás ocupado/a?

Sì, sono occupato

English: Yes, I'm busy

French: Ouí, je suis occupé(e)

Spanish: Sí, estoy ocupado/a

Sei libero/a?

English: Are you free?

French: Tu es líbre?

Spanish: ¿Estás líbre?

Ho fame

English: I'm hungry

French: J'ai faím

Spanish: Tengo hambre

Ho sete

English: I'm thirsty

French: J'ai soif

Spanish: Tengo sed

Vuoi mangiare?

English: Do you want to eat?

French:: Est-ce que tu veux manger?

Spanish: ¿Quieres comer?


English: Let's eat!

French: Mangeons!

Spanish: ¡Comamos!

È delizioso!

English: It's delicious!

French: C'est délicieux!

Spanish: ¡Está delicioso!

Vivo in Italia

English: I live in Italy

French: Je vis en Italie

Spanish: Vivo en Italia

Qual è il tuo numero di telefono?

English: What's your phone number?

French: Quel est ton numéro de télephome?

Spanish: ¿Quál es tu número de teléfono?


English: Call me!

French: Appelle-moi!

Spanish: ¡Llámame!

Ti chiamerò!

English: I'll call you!

French: Je t'appellerai!

Spanish: ¡Te llamaré!

Cosa vuoi fare?

English: What do you want to do?

French: Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire?

Spanish: ¿Qué quieres hacer?

Voglio andare al cinema

English: I want to go to the cinema

French: Je veux aller au cinéma

Spanish: Quiero ir al cine

Voglio di più

English: I want more

French: Je veux plus

Spanish: Quiero más

Voglio di meno

English: I want less

French: Je veux moins

Spanish: Quiero menos

Come è stata la tua giornata?

English: How was your day?

French: Comment était ta journée?

Spanish: ¿Cómo estuvo tu día?

Posso aiutarti?

English: Can I help you?

French: Puis-je t'aider?

Spanish: ¿Puedo ayudarte?

Potresti farlo?

English: Could you do it?

French: Est-ce que tu pourrais le faire?

Spanish: ¿Podrías hacerlo?


English: Perfect!

French: Parfait!

Spanish: ¡Perfecto!

A cosa stai pensando?

English: What are you thinking about?

French: Á quoi penses-tu?

Spanish: ¿En qué estás pensando?

Dove stai andando?

English: Where are you going?

French: Oú vas.yu?

Spanish: ¿Adónde vas?


English: Why?

French: Pourquoi?

Spanish: ¿Por qué?

Perché lo hai detto?

English: Why did you say that?

French: Pourquoi tu l'as dit?

Spanish: ¿Por qué lo has dicho?

Mi sveglio presto

English: I wake up early

French: Je me léve tôt

Spanish: Me levanto temprano
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/11/10 منتشر شده است.
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