SCIOGLILINGUA italiani IMPOSSIBILI (c'è anche 1 difficile in Dialetto BARESE...) - Pronuncia! 👅👄

90.7 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - Are YOU Learning Italian?
Are YOU Learning Italian?

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Tongue-twisters can be a real nightmare but, at the same time, can be very useful to increase the fluency with a language. For that reason we are going to show you the 9 most famous Italian tongue-twisters in order to practice with the pronunciation, but, be careful… some of them are really difficult!

The most difficult Italian tongue-twisters

Ok, let’s begin with the most famous tongue-twister in Italy:

“Trentatré trentini entrarono in Trento, tutti e trentatré trotterellando”. (Thirty-three people from Trentino came into Trent, all thirty-three trotting and toddling)

The second tongue-twister, although it is quite short, it is extremely difficult, especially if you try to repeat it most times in a row:

“Tre tigri contro tre tigri”. (Three tigers versus three tigers)

The third tongue-twister is so hard that even reading it is quite a feat:

“Se l’arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, tu ti
disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzeresti come si è disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzato l’arcivescovo di Costantinopoli?”. (If the archbishop of Constantinople renounced his position of archbishop, would you renounce your position as archbishop, as the archbishop of Constantinople renounced his position as archbishop?)

Let’s move to a romantic tongue-twister:

“Chi ama chiama chi ama, chiamami tu che chi ami chiami. Chi amo chiamerò se tu non chiami”. (Whoever loves calls who they love, you call me since you call who you love. I’ll call who I love if you don’t call)

The next one is:

“Se la serva non ti serve, a che serve che ti serva di una serva che non serve?
Serviti di una serva che serve, e se questa non ti serve, serviti dei miei servi”. (If the servant doesn’t serve you, what’s the use of a servant who doesn’t serve you? Use a servant who serves and if you don’t need this one, then uve my servants)

The following tongue twister is really though:

“In un pozzo poco cupo si specchiò una volta un lupo, che nel poco cupo pozzo andò a battere di cozzo con un cupo tonfo fioco da smaltire a poco a poco ; e credette di azzannare un feroce suo compare; ma rimase brutto e cupo il feroce sciocco lupo”.  (A wolf was once mirrored, in a rather dark well, which headbutted  with a dim thud to be disposed of little by little  ; and it thought it was biting a ferocious fellow of its; but the ferocious foolish wolf was ugly and grim)

The next sentence will really twist your tongue:

“Guglielmo coglie ghiaia dagli scogli scagliandola, oltre gli scogli tra mille gorgogli”. (Guglielmo grabs gravel from the rocks, hurling it over the rocks in a thousand gurgles)

This tongue-twister is quite famous:

“Apelle figlio di Apollo fece una palla di pelle di pollo.
Tutti i pesci vennero a galla, per vedere la palla di pelle di pollo
fatta da Apelle, figlio di Apollo”. (Apelle, son of Apollo, made a ball of chicken skin and all the fish rose to the surface to see the ball of chicken skin made by Apelle, son of Apollo)

The last one iv a classic, everybody knows it in Italy:

“Sopra la panca la capra campa, sotto la panca la capra crepa”. (The goat lives above the bench, but dies below the bench)

Now, here’s an extra, un extra, a little treat, a tongue-twister in the dialect of Bari:

“Ce ‘nge n’am’á sscí, sciamanínne, ce non ‘nge n’am’á sscí, non ‘nge ne sime scénne!”
(Se ce ne dobbiamo andare andiamocene, se non ce ne dobbiamo andare non ce ne andiamo) (If we have to go then let’s go, if we have not then let’s not go)

Then, what do you think about these tongue-twisters? Are they easy or difficult? Le us know in the comment section! Besides, if you like, write us some tongue-twisters from your countries, in your own language… we’d like to try to read them, possibly in the next video.

Now, after this video focused on tongue-twisters, why don’t you take a look at the video about the most beautiful quotes? It will be very useful to impress people: Le CITAZIONI Famose Più Belle Del Mon... 🤓
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/06/20 منتشر شده است.
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