Yoga Vasistha Sara 9.29-32 - I am Brahman, my friend is Brahman and my foe is also Brahman

45 بار بازدید - 4 هفته پیش - एकस्मिन्निर्मले येन पदे परमपावने ।
एकस्मिन्निर्मले येन पदे परमपावने । संश्रिता चित्तविश्रान्ति मृत्यु स्तं न जिघांसति ॥
Death cannot even wish to kill him, whose mind has taken perfect rest, in the state of Brahman, which is one, stainless, and supremely purifying. In other words, he is beyond birth and death.
ब्रह्म चिद् ब्रह्म भुवनं ब्रह्मभूतपरम्परा । ब्रह्माहं ब्रह्म मच्छत्रु ब्रह्म मन्मित्रबान्धवाः ॥9.29॥
Brahman is consciousness, Brahman is the world, Brahman is succession of living beings, I am Brahman, my enemy is Brahman, my friend is Brahman and all my well-wishers are Brahman alone.
चिच्चेत्यकलना बन्धस्तन्मुक्तिर्मुक्तिरुच्यते । चिच्चेत्याखिलमात्मेति सर्वसिद्धान्तसंग्रहः ॥9.30॥
The imagination of illuminator and the object to be illuminated, is bondage and freedom from that bondage, is liberation. Illuminator and the object to be illuminated, everything is the Self alone. This is the conclusion of, all Vedantic scriptures. Katahopnishad 2.1.11 says मनसैवेदमाप्तव्यन्नेह नानास्ति किंचन । मृत्योः स मृत्युं गच्छति य इह नानेव पश्यति ॥ By mind alone, could this be obtained, there is no difference, here at all. He goes from death to death, who sees as if, there were difference here.

चिदीहास्तीहचिन्मात्रमिदं चिन्मयमेव च । चित्त्वं चिदहमेवेति लोकाश्चिदिति संग्रहः ॥ 9.31॥
cit īha asti iha cit-matram idam cinmayam eva ca, cittvam cit aham eva iti lokāś cit iti sangrah
That Consciousness alone, is everything. This visible universe, you, I, and all the planes of existence, are nothing but that Consciousness alone. This is verily, the highest conclusion. Consciousness and Consciousness alone, exists in this visible universe.
The fourteen planes comprise two groups: The seven higher planes are Bhūh, Bhuvah, Svah, Mahah, Janah, Tapah, and Satyah. The seven lower planes are Atal, Vital, Sutal, Talātal, Rasātal, Mahātal, and Pātāl. Vivekacūdāmaņi, 391
तरङ्गफेनभ्रमबुदवुदादि सर्व स्वरूपेण जलं यथा तथा । चिदेव देहाद्यहमन्तमेतत् सर्वं चिदेवैकरसं विशुद्धम् ॥
Waves, foam, whirlpools, bubbles and so forth, are essentially only water; similarly, everything beginning with the body, etc., through the ego and all the world appearances, are nothing but, that one absolute pure Consciousness.
यदस्ति यद्भाति तदात्मरूपं यच्चान्यतो भाति न चान्यदस्ति ।
स्वभावसंवित् प्रतिभाति केवलो ग्राह्यं ग्रहीतेति मृषा विकल्पः ॥9.32॥
Whatever exists and shines, is truly the Self, in its essential nature. Anything of name and form, that is cognized by others, or appears in a different form, does not exist. Only the Consciousness or Knowledge, which by its essential nature, is the extremely pure Self, manifests. The objects to receive, the receiver and the like, are all false imaginations.
4 هفته پیش در تاریخ 1403/03/30 منتشر شده است.
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