Updesa Sahasri 16.1-6 - The Self illumines mental modifications

64 بار بازدید - 3 ماه پیش - पार्थिवः कठिनो धातुद्रेवो देहे स्मृतोऽम्मयः
पार्थिवः कठिनो धातुद्रेवो देहे स्मृतोऽम्मयः । पक्तिचेष्टावकाशाः स्युर्वह्निवाय्वम्बरोद्भवाः ॥16.1 The hard material in the body, is known to be a transformation of earth; the liquid part consists of water; and heat, vibration and apertures in the body, are due to fire, air and space, respectively. प्राणादीनि तदर्थाश्च पृथिव्यादिगुणाः क्रमात् । रूपालोकवदिष्टं हि सजातीयार्थमिन्द्रियम् ॥16.2 Smell etc., (i.e., the senses) and their objects, are produced from earth etc. respectively, as the senses have for their objects, of their own kind e.g., colour are light (the latter being of the same nature, as the form of its object). बुद्धयर्थान्याहुरेतानि वाक्पाण्यादीनि कर्मणे । तद्विकल्पार्थमन्तस्थं मन एकादशं भवेत् ॥16.3 Five sense organs such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin, are called the organs of knowledge; five motor organs, such as hand, feet, mouth and two excretory organs, are called the organs of action; and mind, the eleventh, which is within the body, is for the purpose of knowing different objects. निश्चयार्था भवेद्बुद्धिस्तां सर्वार्थानुभाविनीम् । ज्ञाताऽऽत्मोक्तः स्वरूपेण ज्योतिषा व्यञ्जयन्सदा ॥16.4 The intellect is for determining objects. The Self is called Knower and light is Its, own nature, which always illumines, the all-pervasive intellect. व्यञ्जकस्तु यथाऽऽलोको व्यङ्गथस्याकारतां गतः । व्यतिकीर्णोऽप्यसंकीर्णस्तद्वज्ज्ञः प्रत्ययैः सदा ॥16.5 vyañjakas tu yathāloko vyangyasyäkäratām gataḥ vyatikīrņo 'py asamkīrnas tadvaj jñaḥ pratyayaiḥ sadā Just as light assumes, the forms of objects revealed by it, yet really different from it, though apparently, mixed up with them, likewise, the Self is different from mental modifications, whose forms It assumes, while revealing them. स्थितो दीपो यथायत्नः प्राप्तं सर्वं प्रकाशयेत् । शब्दाद्याकारबुद्धीज्ञः प्राप्तास्तद्वत् प्रपश्यति ॥16.6 sthito dīpo yathāyatnah prāptam sarvam prakāśayet śabdādy-ākāra-buddhīr jñaḥ prāptās tadvat prapaśyati The Self illumines, without any effort, the intellect in the form of sound, etc. present before it. Just as a lamp, effortlessly reveals everything, nearby within its reach.
3 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/04/22 منتشر شده است.
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