Yoga Vasistha Sara 3.3-4 - Undisturbed in sufferings and happiness

75 بار بازدید - 2 ماه پیش - सर्वातीतपदालम्बी पूर्णेन्दुशिशिराशयः । यस्तिष्ठति सदा
सर्वातीतपदालम्बी पूर्णेन्दुशिशिराशयः । यस्तिष्ठति सदा योगी स एव परमेश्वरः ॥3.3॥
The cool-hearted yogi, who is like a full moon, always takes refuge and remains in the state of Brahman, which is beyond all states. He truly is the supreme Brahman.
ब्रह्मोपनिषदां तत्त्वं भावयन् योऽन्तरात्मना । नोद्वेगी न च तुष्टात्मा संसारे नावसीदति ॥3.4॥
One who meditates in his heart, upon the Truth of the Upaniṣadic Brahman, never gets overwhelmed, by any type of worldly suffering and always remains free from anxiety and excitement. The realized soul also experiences the duality of pleasure, pain, and the like. But, neither excitement with the attainment of happiness, nor anxiety in suffering, comes to him.
Gita 2.56 says: दुःखेष्वनुद्विग्नमनाः सुखेषु विगतस्पृहः । वीतरागभयक्रोधः स्थितधीर्मुनिरुच्यते ॥
He, who remains undisturbed in suffering, is free from longing for happiness, and is without attachments, fear, and anger, is called a sage of steady wisdom.
Brhadaranyaka-vārtika-sāra, ch 1, 32-35 says:
बोधात् प्राक् द्विविधं दुःखमेकं बुद्धिस्वभावजम् । रोगावमानदारिद्य-पुत्रहान्यादिरूपकम् ॥
अपरं त्वीदृशे दुःखे मग्नोऽहं बहुजन्मसु । इतः उद्धर्तुमात्मानं न शक्नोमीति 'मोहजम्' ॥
तत्राद्यं 'कर्मजत्वेन' नश्येद् भोगादृते नहि । द्वितीयं भ्रमजं तत्वबोधादेव निवर्तते ॥
हर्षशोकौ विभ्रमोथ्थौ कर्मोथ्थसुखदुःखयोः । बोधहेयौ हर्षशोकौ भोक्तव्ये तु सुखेतरे ॥
People are tormented by two types of sufferings – Karmaja and Mohaja. Karmaja or Prarabdh happiness and pain, such as success, failure, disease, disgrace, poverty etc., cannot be destroyed, without undergoing through their experiences, be he, a man of wisdom or ignorance.  Second type is mohaja- which arises in reaction to or in the anticipation of, the first type of pleasure and pain, but the intensity of this suffering, remains many times larger than the previous one. This 2nd type of delight and bereavement disappear, as soon as the ignorance is destroyed, with the dawn of Knowledge. Acharya Shankara said in Manisha Puncikam: भूतं भावि च दुष्कृतं प्रदहता संविन्मये पावके प्रारब्धाय समर्पितं स्ववपुर् Burning past and future karmas, in the fire of knowledge, one's own body is surrendered.
2 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/02/15 منتشر شده است.
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