Yoga Vasistha Sara 4.4-8 - Mind is as false as a dream

57 بار بازدید - 2 ماه پیش - मनोऽमुनैवाभ्युदितं मनागेवानवेक्षणात् । स्वस्वप्नमरणाकारं प्रेक्षमाणं
मनोऽमुनैवाभ्युदितं मनागेवानवेक्षणात् । स्वस्वप्नमरणाकारं प्रेक्षमाणं न विद्यते ॥4.4 ॥
The mind is created by mental resolution, which popes up, at even a slight lack of discrimination. Just as, one's own death, seen in one's own dream, is false during the awakened state, so is the existence of the mind, when seen through, the eyes of discernment.
At the time of deep sleep, the mind is temporarily absorbed, and along with it, the waking and dream worlds, with their experiences of, enjoyment, suffering and so forth. However, "I" remains in all these three states. This I-consciousness, which exists continuously, in these three states of waking dreaming and deep sleep, is indeed the Truth.
असम्यग्दर्शनं यत् स्यादनात्मन्यात्मभावनम् । यद्वस्तुनि वस्तुत्वं तन्मनो विद्धि राघव ॥4.5॥
O Raghava, the understanding that the non-self- objects, like the body and so forth, are the Self, is an incorrect perception. Know that incorrect perception, to be the mind, which sees reality in unreal objects.
Vivekchuramani 172 says: मनसा कल्प्यते बन्धो मोक्षस्तेनैव कल्प्यते ॥ Bondage and liberation are both, imagined by the mind only. In reality, the Self is free forever.
अयं सोऽहमिदम् तन्मे एतावन्मात्रकं मनः । तद्भावेन मात्रेण विचारेण विलीयते ॥4.6॥
This embodied self is me, all these material objects, like wealth and so forth, belong to me – just, this perception is the mind. Only by negating this perception, the mind gets dissolved.
उपादेयानुपतनं हेयैकान्तविवर्जनम् । यदेतन्मनसो रूपं तद्बन्धं विद्धि नेतरम् ॥4.7॥
To accept that, which is agreeable and to renounce absolutely, that which is disagreeable, is the very nature, of the mind. Know this alone as bondage and nothing else.
मनो हि जगतां कर्तृ मनो हि पुरुषः स्मृतः । मनः कृतं कृतं लोके न शरीरकृतं कृतम् ॥ येनैवालिङ्गिता कान्ता तेनैवालिङ्गिता सुता ॥4.8॥
The mind alone creates the world. The individual being is nothing but his mind. Anything done with a particular mental attitude, becomes like that alone; action of body, only sub-ordinates the mind. With the very same body, a man lustfully embraces his wife and embraces his own baby daughter, with affectionate filial love.
Same action of the body, with different mental attitudes, produces different results. Therefore, one's mental attitude, only maters. Amrtabindu Upaniṣad, 2 says:
मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः । बन्धाय विषयासक्तं मुक्तं निर्विषयं स्मृतम् ॥
The mind is in fact, the cause of bondage and liberation, for human beings. The mind becomes, the cause of bondage, when attached to worldly objects and becomes the cause of liberation, when detached from those objects. Amrtabindu Upaniṣad, 3 says:
यतो निर्विषयस्यास्य मनसो मुक्तिरिष्यते । अतो निर्विषयं नित्यं मनः कार्यं मुमुक्षुणा ॥
Since one attains liberation, when this mind becomes free from attachment, to all sensual objects, the aspirant should make continuous effort, to detach the mind, totally from those objects.
2 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/02/27 منتشر شده است.
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