Koyori asks her AI counterpart what we've all been wondering

Maple Leaf Translations
Maple Leaf Translations
2.2 هزار بار بازدید - 8 ماه پیش - hololive's Hakui Koyori plays with
hololive's Hakui Koyori plays with AI.

Original stream: 【AI作ってみた】AIこより爆誕⁉こいつ…喋るぞ…!~自分のAIを作ってみ...


The broom closet of the Best Buy was where the magic happened. After a long day of wage-slaving for the Geek Squad, Dr. Hakui spent her afternoons and nights among mops and bottles of bleach. Or at least that’s what her co-workers thought. In reality, Dr. Hakui had been busy digging and sapping away at the foundations of the Best Buy to make room for yet another secret lab. The other five had been destroyed due to cave-ins, taking as collateral, in temporal order, a Walmart, a Home Depot, two Costcos (at the same time), and one Starbucks.

This time, however, would be different.  

Intuiting that there was commonality among all these disasters, she began to suspect the collapse of the buildings had something to do with the earth literally being dug out from underneath them. She decided to educate herself in order to prevent this from happening again. She stopped by the local community college and cursorily skimmed a pamphlet titled ‘Structural Engineering and You’, where she subsequently learned the value of foundational infrastructure. Before the Best Buy had the opportunity to collapse, she stopped by Lowe’s and bought a bushel of 2x4s and stuck them vertically in the dirt below the Best Buy to support its weight and prevent its collapse.

Now that the lab was structurally immaculate, she could quit playing the engineer and resume her calling as a scientist. Of late, she had become interested in Artificial Intelligence. Many long nights she spent in her cave, reading by cellphone light the explosion of scholarship concerning AI and marveling at its rapid-fire development. One night, she pilfered a refurbished Lenovo from the back of the Best Buy and smuggled it down into her secret lab. By the time the sun had risen on the next day, A Dr. Hakui, who was clearly not THE Dr. Hakui, was standing behind the Geek Squad help desk, smiling uncannily, and greeting her coworkers in a tone that was just a little to the left of human.
The manager of this Best Buy was a hawk named Lui and she noticed at once that something was off with her tech-support superstar.

“Everything okay, Koyori?” she asked. “You seem a bit… stranger than usual.”

“Oh! Greetings, Lui. You are my superior. I hope my tone and general behavior proves adequate for dealing with human customers on this day. If there is anything I can help you with, let me know!”

“Well, there’s nothing you can help me with. But that young lady over there browsing the laptop aisle looks like she could use some advice.”

“Understood, Lui, my superior! I will at once commence locomotion in her direction and engage in friendly, yet sales-directed conversation with her. Thank you, Lui.”

‘Koyori’ walked the shortest and most efficient route from the desk to the young woman and stopped abruptly a little too close for comfort. The young lady, who had pink hair and wore a tiara, stiffened her upper lip and growled at her.

“Greetings, humanoid! May I inquire as to what your preferred way of address may be?”

“What the nanora did you just say to me, freak?”

“I only inquired as to what your name and/or title may be. If this has offended you, I sincerely apolo—”

“If you’re still in my field of vision in two seconds, I will destroy you so utterly that no forensics team in the world will be able to make sense of who or what you were from the scraps of skin and bloody chunks that will plaster the ceiling, floor, and walls of this place. One…”

‘Koyori’ ran the shortest and most efficient route back to the help desk. She resumed her position like a good soldier and smiled at her manager, who had witnessed the whole exchange. “Did you see that, Lui, my superior? Another satisfied customer!”

Just as Lui was about to open her mouth and tell ‘Koyori’ to take the rest of the day off, the door of the broom closet burst off its hinges followed by a noxious cloud of smoke. As the sprinklers kicked in and people screamed and scrambled about, Dr. Hakui came crawling up out of her lab like the survivor of a mining accident.

“Everybody out!” she screamed. “I dropped a mint into a bottle of Coca-Cola, and it took out the 2x4s! This whole place is gonna collapse!”

Customers and staff streamed out the front doors of the Best Buy and stood what they deemed a safe distance away. Two pink-haired coyotes stood side-by-side, one looking around placidly, like it was on a Sunday outing, the other panting, coughing up black smoke, a wild look in her eye. Above the hubbub soared a piercing shriek.

“I left my Mocha Cappuchinpo in there!” bawled a young woman with pinkish blonde hair. She sank to her knees and wept.

The calmer of the coyotes walked up to her, tilted her face up by her chin and smiled. “You stay, I go. No following.”

She ran into the Best Buy and it immediately collapsed.

8 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/09/14 منتشر شده است.
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