Sparks fly when Koyori’s lie detector reveals some shocking 'truths'

Maple Leaf Translations
Maple Leaf Translations
4.2 هزار بار بازدید - 8 ماه پیش - hololive's Koyori Hakui reveals some
hololive's Koyori Hakui reveals some truths that were better off unsaid.

Original stream: 【ウソ発見器】罰ゲーム🔥ウソついたらビリビリの刑⁉なんでも聞いてこいやあ!...


The first thing Officer Oozora saw when she regained consciousness was a dim light-bulb swinging from an extension cord above her head. Gradually, like some terrible creature rising up out of deep water, the details of her surroundings emerged into light and focus. The walls were plastered with peeling yellow wallpaper dotted with faded cartoon suns with faces smiling. There was a plywood table set in front of her and another chair sat facing her on the far side. Behind that was an open doorway that yawned like the blackened bore of a cannon. The glow from the bulb shied away from the darkness beyond the doorway, as though afraid to light upon what may lie therein.

Officer Oozora tried to stand up but found that her arms had been strapped to her chair’s armrests with zip ties. Her scalp began to itch, and beads of sweat sat trembling on her brow like overfed ticks. Her heartbeat was getting out of control, so she closed her eyes and focused on taking deep breaths. On the inhale of her sixth breath was when she heard it—a sputtering sound, like someone squeezing a bottle of mayonnaise.

She opened her eyes and a pair of iridescent irises stared back at her from the dark. Beneath them, a rictus smile rent the shadow revealing an array of pointed teeth.

The blood drained from the Officer’s face, and she swallowed so much air she choked on it. Before she could scream, the creature in the dark stepped into the light and the sight of her so confounded the Officer that her breath came out like the whinny of a horse.

Approaching the table was a pink-haired coyote in a white lab coat with a bandolier of bubblegum pink and cotton-candy blue test tubes slung over her shoulder. She held in her hands a bundle of paperwork which she rested lightly on the table. “Oh, you’re finally awake.”

“Where am I? And don’t say Skyrim.”

“You’re in Koyolab’s High-tech Human-testing Facility! You’ve been chosen to participate in a social experiment. I have here the relevant waivers. We don’t want those pesky human rights violations people getting in the way of science again, now do we?” She winked at the Officer. “If you could just renege your inviolable human rights by signing here, here, and here, that’d be great.”

The Officer watched as the papers and a pen were pushed across the table toward her. She looked up at the coyote. “You know my arms are strapped to this chair, right?”

“Oh, so they are!” said the coyote. “In that case, I can take care of this little administrative matter for you.” She slid the papers and the pen back toward her. “Mind telling me what your name is so I can impersonate you properly?”

“Sure, it’s Ivanna Leave.”

The coyote scratched a few signatures on a few important-looking papers then bunched them all together and set them in an orderly pile off to the side. She interlaced her fingers and looked at the Officer. “Do you prefer Mrs. or Ms. Leave?”

“I’d prefer to just leave, thank you.”

“How about I call you ‘Ivanna’. I think a first-name basis will facilitate our getting to know one another. You can call me Koyori, by the way.”

“Hey, Koyori?”

“Yes, Ivanna?”

“You know you’re going to prison after all this. You know that, right?”

The friendly smile slid off the coyote’s face. “Why would I be going to prison?”

“Because you kidnapped an officer of the law and are currently keeping her here against her will.”

“And that’s…?” The coyote made a hand gesture like she was swatting away a fly. “Wrong?”

“Yes it’s wrong, you loon!” quacked the Officer, straining against her straps. “Let me out of this chair!”

“Mm, I’m not sure I believe you.” The coyote stood up. “I think this is an excellent opportunity to test out my newest invention.” She reached under her chair and brought up a silver, dome-shaped device, smooth as an ice cube. She set it on the table and resumed her seat. “Do you know what this is?”

“Some more bullshit.”

“No, it’s a lie detector. I call it ‘The Thunderbolt of Truth’. Do you know why?”

“Because you’re weird.”

“No. Because it sends ten-thousand volts through your body if you lie while touching it.”

“Is that safe?”

“It’s perfectly safe.”

“I don’t believe you. I think you’re lying.”

“Oh, you think I’M lying? Well, watch this.” The coyote put her hand on the device, cleared her throat, and said, “This device is perfectly safe.” The mechanism made a few alien beeping sounds then went silent. “See? So long as you tell the truth, it’s perfectly saf—”

After the smoke and smell of burnt fur had cleared and the light had flickered back into life, the coyote scraped herself off the ceiling and unstrapped the Officer. “You’re free to go.”

The Officer stood up and nodded at her. “Likewise.”

Then she left.
8 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/09/17 منتشر شده است.
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