Kanade confirms that Ao is a real life anime character

Maple Leaf Translations
Maple Leaf Translations
11.6 هزار بار بازدید - 2 ماه پیش - hololive's Hiodoshi Ao and Otonose
hololive's Hiodoshi Ao and Otonose Kanade mine for diamonds and realize the true treasure was the memories they made along the way.

Original stream: 【 #ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ 】初日!まずは世界を知る【 火威青 #ho...



“Yeah, Kanade?”

“Think we’ll run out of air?”

“If you keep sucking it back like cream soda, then, yeah, I’d say it’s highly likely.”

“It’s my air and I can suck it if I want.”

“Not if I suck it first.”

Ao inhaled with such violence that her tongue whipped back and slapped her tonsils, causing her to choke.

“Ha!” barked Kanade. “That’s what you get!”

“Owie!” wheezed Ao.

Kanade, moved to pity by the strands of snot and spittle dangling off Ao’s chin, stopped cackling and asked, “Are you okay?”

Ao waved her off. “I’ll be fine. This happens all the time.”

Kanade sat back and looked down at her phone, currently the only source of light. The battery read ‘2%’.


“Yeah, Kanade?”

“What do you think happens when we die?”

“The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.”

Kanade, stunned by Ao’s sudden eloquence, took a moment to gather herself. “What? Ao? See what?”

“White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.”

Kanade ran her hand over the goosebumps on her arm. “Did you just come up with all that?”

“No. I read it in a book.”

“Oh,” said Kanade, disappointed. “Which one?”

“Captain Underpants, Volume Three.”

“Oh,” said Kanade, more disappointed than she thought was possible.

Ao, seeing Kanade’s crestfallen expression, puffed herself up and beamed. “Look on the bright side!”

“What’s the bright side?”

“At least it can’t get any worse.”

At just that moment, Kanade’s phone died, and they were shrouded in complete darkness.


“Yeah, Kanade?”

“Why did you go and say a silly thing like that?”

“I don’t know,” sighed Ao. “I can’t help being the way I am, I guess.”

“That’s okay,” said Kanade. “I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

“Really? You mean that?”

“Heck no.” Kanade could feel the sad little creature shrinking slowly into the darkness somewhere across from her. She rolled her eyes. “I was just kidding.”

“Then you really meant what you said?” asked Ao, her voice sounding like a mouse with a bad case of the sad whiskers.

This time Kanade exerted her willpower and ignored the devil on her shoulder. “Yes, I meant it.”

Across from her, an aura of self-affirmation sprang up like a bushfire.

“I am pretty cool, aren’t I?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Kanade, understanding that these would likely be their last minutes together, shook her head and smiled. “You’re cool, Ao. You’re cool.”

“You’re pretty ‘poggers’ yourself.”

“They don’t say that anymore.”


“Please don’t ruin my last moments on this earth if you can help it.”

“I’ll try.”

A few reflective seconds passed by as the two of them came to terms with life and its imminent end.

“Ao,” said Kanade, aghast. “Did you just…?”


“Then why does it smell like rotten cabbage all of the sudden?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you’re about to have a seizure.”

“I AM about to have a seizure and it’s because you just ripped one!”

“I didn’t! I swear!”

“I take back all the good things I just said about you.”


“You’re not cool.”


“You’re…” Kanade stuck her tongue against the back of her front teeth.

“Please. Not the L-word.”


Just then, a young woman with fox ears cracked open the top of the cardboard box that Ao and Kanade were sitting in. “Are you two still goofing around in here?” said the young woman.

“Mama Polka!” cried Ao.

“You saved us!” cried Kanade.

“I ain’t your Mama, son,” said Polka. “Now get out of that silly box and come down for supper.”
2 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/02/28 منتشر شده است.
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