How to Do a Garter Stitch in the Round | Circular Knitting

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All right.  I'm going to explain to you how to knit  garter  stitch  in  the round.  So this is one area where circular needles are... require  a  little bit more thinking from you than do straight needles.  You know that most  of the time working on circular needles is much easier because if you  want  to get stockinette you just knit around  and  around  and  around,  whereas  on straight needles if you want to get stockinette, you have  to  knit  on  the front and purl on the back.  So with garter stitch, it's the  opposite.   On straight needles, to get garter stitch, you just knit on the front, knit  on the back, and you never have to purl.  

But if you want to get garter  stitch in the round, you have to knit one round and purl  one  round,  which  isn't that bad.  New knitters are a little bit scared of purl  and  they  want  to avoid purling, but that's usually just  because  they've  learned  the  knit stitch first.  I experimented with some beginners and taught them  the  purl stitch first, and then the knit stitch was the scary one.  So it's  whatever you get used to.  So we're not going to shy away from the purl  stitch  when we do garter in the round.  So as you can see here, I've got this  wonderful little sample knit up that is garter stitch, characterized by these rows  of ridges, of bumps that face up and down, a smile, a frown, a smile, a  frown, with gutters in between them.  This is garter stitch.  And in  order  to  do this, you have to knit one time all the way around in knit and one time  all the way around in purl.  

So the only complicated  thing  is  remembering  to switch between them.  So I am finishing up the last  three  stitches  of  my knit round and I know that  there's  three  left  because  I  can  just  see plainly this ridge here that will always happen when you're knitting  garter stitch in the round.  That is where you switch  from  knit  to  purl.   It's also the beginning and ending of my  round.   If  you're  worried  that you won't be able to see that ridge or in the first couple rows or  rounds  when you're setting it up, you can use a marker.  So I'm going to  show  you  how to place a marker and how to look for it as you come back  around.   So  I'm on my knit round and I've got three stitches left to knit  and  I  can  tell because I've got three purl bumps left here, which means the  last  round  I did were purls, and then here on my column of where  you  can  see  that  it switches, after that I've got knit stitches already-these  little  v's-so  I know that I will need to be purling there because it's knit one round,  purl one round.  So I'm going to knit my last three  stitches.  

Knit  one,  knit two, knit three.  And here is my switching column and I can  see  that  I've got knit stitches coming up.  Now if you forget to switch back to  purl,  it will be really obvious because you'll all of a sudden have two knit  stiches stacked up and if I just blithely plow  ahead  here  with  my  knits,  it'll become really obvious that uh-oh, I'm not doing garter  anymore;  all  of  a sudden I'm doing stockinette.  So I'm going to take  those  three  back  and I'm going to place my marker, which is a great alternate if you are  worried that you won't see that ridge coming up or if you'd rather just not have  to look for it.  Place a marker and after the marker, you're going  to  switch. So I'm going to move my yarn to the front and now  I'm  going  to  begin  my purl round.  I'm going to purl all the way around.  And  you  can  see  that I'm doing the magic loop method here.  I've got  my  loop  sticking  out  on either side.  So you'll get a little bonus refresher on how  to  switch  the needles in magic loop, in two purls, one purl, great.  So I've got an  empty needle in my left hand, a full needle on my right.  I'm  going  to  turn  it around to do the other side.  And it doesn't matter if you  push  the  front needle  in  or  pull  the  back  needle  out  first-whatever   you're   more comfortable with-as long as they are in this position.  

Now this is my  purl side.  I'm purling this whole round.  So the yarn needs to be  in  front  of the needle when I stick it into the  first  stitch.   If  I  have  the  yarn behind the needle and I stick it in as if to purl, I'm going to be  creating an inadvertent yarn-over here, which is going to leave a little hole.  So  I definitely want to make sure I put the needle in  with  my  yarn  in  front. I'm going to finish this purl round.  I've got  two  purls  left,  one  purl left.  Again, I'm going to switch.  I like  to  pull  the  back  needle  out first and then stick the front
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/08/14 منتشر شده است.
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