6DOF & 9DOF Sensor Fusion with Madgwick's Filter, MPU6050, HMC5883L (GY-86 Module)

25.9 هزار بار بازدید - - In this video I show
In this video I show how to use Madgwick's Filter to fuse sensors readings from an InvenSense MPU6050 gyroscope / accelerometer and a Honeywell HMC5883L magnetometer. This filter is very easy to use, with only two settings that require attention: the gain, and the sample frequency. I use Madgwick's Filter to determine the pitch angle of my balancing robot, and take the first steps toward getting the robot to balance. To help visualize the sensor fusion, I also wrote a very basic Java program using the Java3D and jSerialComm libraries. It shows a 3D cube rotating based on the quaternion output of the filter.

Firmware source code is here:

The Java3D test program source code is here:

The sensor module I used is available from ICStation here:

This video is part of a series showing how to build a balancing robot:

Part 1: Modify RC Servos for Continuous Rotation and External H-Bridge Control
Modify RC Servos for Continuous Rotat...

Part 2: Building a Robot Chassis with Brass Square Tube, a Dremel, and Solder
Building a Robot Chassis with Brass S...

Part 3: First Steps with a GY-86 10DOF Sensor: MPU6050, HMC5883L and MS5611
First Steps with a GY-86 10DOF Sensor...

Part 4: [THIS VIDEO] 6DOF & 9DOF Sensor Fusion with Madgwick's Filter, MPU6050, HMC5883L (GY-86 Module)
6DOF & 9DOF Sensor Fusion with Madgwi...

Part 5: How to Use CC2500 PA LNA 2.4GHz Wireless RF Modules
How to Use CC2500 PA LNA 2.4GHz Wirel...

Part 6: GPU-Accelerated Data Logging and Telemetry
GPU-Accelerated Arduino Data Logging ...

Part 7: How to Tune PID Control Loops Visually
How to Visually Tune PID Control Loops
55 سال پیش در تاریخ 1403/04/22 منتشر شده است.
25,909 بـار بازدید شده
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