[發音] 布根地Burgundy 33 #Grand Cru 特級田Part1 #Chambertin | #Echezeaux |

HK Wine sir
HK Wine sir
4.2 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - 其他9個特級園介紹請看Part 2
其他9個特級園介紹請看Part 2
[發音| 介紹] 繁簡 消失的一個Burgundy Grand Cru 特...

#Grand Cru #布根地 #特級田
Discover the Art of Pronouncing Burgundy 33 Grand Cru Wines
Experience the Elegance of Burgundy 33 #Grand Cru Wines
Unlock the Secrets of Burgundy 33 Grand Cru Wines

[HK wine sir] 廣東話 粵語 布根地Burgundy 33 Grand Cru 如何發音 Part1
#Côte d'Or (讀"曲多")
#Côte_de_Nuits 地區 Regionale
#Gevrey-Chambertin村莊 #commune  / Village (9個特級園)
1.Chambertin Gevrey-Chambertin Red wine 13.57 hectares (33.5 acres)
2. Chambertin-Clos de Bèze Red wine 15.78 hectares (39.0 acres)
3. Chapelle-Chambertin Red wine 5.48 hectares (13.5 acres)
4. Charmes-Chambertin Red wine 29.57 hectares (73.1 acres)
5. Griotte-Chambertin Red wine 2.63 hectares (6.5 acres)
6. Latricières-Chambertin Red wine 7.31 hectares (18.1 acres)
7. Mazis-Chambertin Red wine 8.95 hectares (22.1 acres)
8. Mazoyères-Chambertin Red wine 1.82 hectares (4.5 acres)
9. Ruchottes-Chambertin Red wine 3.25 hectares (8.0 acres)

#Morey-Saint-Denis村莊 #Commune / Village (5個特級園)
10. Clos de la Roche Red wine 16.52 hectares (40.8 acres)
11. Clos des Lambrays Red wine 8.52 hectares (21.1 acres)
12. Clos de Tart Red wine 7.30 hectares (18.0 acres)
13. Clos Saint-Denis Red wine 6.24 hectares (15.4 acres)
14. Bonnes-Mares( #shared ) Red wine 14.71 hectares (36.3 acres)

#Chambolle-Musigny村莊 #Commune / Village (2個特級園)
14. Bonnes-Mares ( #shared ) Red wine 14.71 hectares (36.3 acres)
15. Musigny Red and some white wine 10.67 hectares (26.4 acres)

#Vougeot村莊 #Commune / Village (1個特級園)
16. Clos de Vougeot Red wine 49.43 hectares (122.1 acres)

#Vosne-Romanée村莊 #Commune / Village (8個特級園)
17. Échezeaux Red wine 35.77 hectares (88.4 acres)
18. Grands Échezeaux Red wine 8.78 hectares (21.7 acres)
19. La Grande Rue Red wine 1.65 hectares (4.1 acres)
20. La Romanée Red wine 0.84 hectares (2.1 acres)
21. La Tâche Red wine 5.08 hectares (12.6 acres)
22. Richebourg Red wine 7.89 hectares (19.5 acres)
23. Romanée-Conti Red wine 1.76 hectares (4.3 acres)
24. Romanée-Saint-Vivant Red wine 8.45 hectares (20.9 acres)

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[HK wine sir] 廣東話 布根地Burgundy 33 #Grand Cru 如何發音 Part1 #Chambertin | #Echezeaux
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پارسال در تاریخ 1402/03/30 منتشر شده است.
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