Simple - Teochew Yam Kueh 潮州芋粿 | Nanci's Kitchen 南希的厨房

Nanci's Kitchen 南希的厨房
Nanci's Kitchen 南希的厨房
6.6 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Hi everyone, my name is
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Teochew Yam Kueh 潮州芋粿
Ingredients (Approx. 13 pieces)
食材 (大约13个 )
Yam - 100g, cut into strips
芋头 - 100克, 切成条状
Dry Shiitake Mushroom - 20g, diced
干香菇 - 20克, 切丁
Dry Shrimp - 10g, chopped
虾米 - 10克, 剁碎
Chinese Sausage - 20g, diced
腊肠 - 20克, 切丁
Cooking Oil – 1 tablespoon
食用油 - 1汤匙

Skin Ingredients 粿皮材料
Rice Flour - 100g
粘米粉 - 100 克
Tapioca Flour - 50g
木薯粉 - 50 克
Salt - ½ teaspoon
盐 - ½ 茶匙
Boiling Water - 170ml
热开水 - 170 毫升

Seasoning 调味料
Shiitake Mushroom Water – 20ml
香菇水 - 20 毫升
Light Soya Sauce – 2 teaspoons
生抽 - 2 茶匙
Fish Sauce - ½ teaspoon
鱼露 - ½ 茶匙
Dark Soya Sauce - ½ teaspoon
老抽 - ½ 茶匙
Sugar - ½ teaspoon
糖 - ½ 茶匙
Sesame Oil – 2 teaspoons
芝麻油 - 2 茶匙
Oyster Sauce - ½ teaspoon
蚝油 - ½ 茶匙
Ground Black Pepper – Pinch for taste
黑胡椒粉 - 适量

Directions 说明
1. Peel and cut the yam into strips.
2. Soak the dry shiitake mushroom in hot water for about 30 minutes or till soften.
3. Rinse, drain and cut the shiitake mushroom into dices.
冲洗, 沥干水分, 然后将香菇切成丁。
4. Set aside the shiitake mushroom water.
5. Soak the dry shrimp for about 5 minutes.
6. Rinse, drain and chop the dry shrimp.
冲洗, 沥干水分, 然后将虾米剁碎。
7. Cut the Chinese sausage into dices.
8. Prepare the shiitake mushroom water in a bowl.
9. Add in the light soya sauce, fish sauce, dark soya sauce, sugar, sesame oil, oyster sauce and ground black pepper.
加入生抽, 鱼露, 老抽, 糖, 芝麻油, 蚝油和黑胡椒粉。
10. Mix it well, set it aside.
搅拌均匀, 搁置备用。
11. Prepare some cooking oil in the wok.
12. Add in the Chinese sausage, dry shrimp and shiitake mushroom, sauté till fragrant.
加入腊肠, 虾米和香菇, 爆香。
13. Add in the yam, stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes.
加入芋头, 翻炒1至 2分钟。
14. Add in the sauce, stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes or till absorbed.
加入酱汁, 翻炒1至2分钟或至吸收。
15. Transfer the filling into a bowl, set it aside.
将馅料转移到碗中, 搁置备用。
16. Apply some cooking oil to the steamer, set it aside.
在蒸锅上涂一些食用油, 搁置备用。
17. Prepare the rice flour, tapioca flour and salt in a mixing bowl.
在搅拌碗中准备粘米粉, 木薯粉和盐。
18. Mix it well.
19. Pour in the boiling water gradually.
20. Mix it briefly.
21. Knead it into a dough.
22. Apply some tapioca flour to the mould.
23. Divide the dough into small ball shapes (about 20g each), cover the dough with a wet cloth so to keep it moist.
将面团分成小球状 (每个约20克), 用湿布覆盖面团以保持湿润。
24. Flatten it by hand, add in the filling, wrap it.
用手将面团压平, 加入馅料, 然后包好。
25. Place the dough into the mould and press it firmly.
将面团放入模具中, 然后用力按压面团。
26. Invert and place it on the steamer.
27. Brush some cooking oil onto the Teochew Yam Kueh.
28. Prepare some water in a pot over medium heat.
29. Place the steamer onto the pot, steam with a lid for 13 to 15 minutes over medium heat.
将蒸笼放在锅上, 盖上锅盖用中火蒸 13 至 15 分钟。
30. Remove the lid.
31. Ready to serve with sweet soya sauce.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/10/12 منتشر شده است.
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