Dental-Whitening: Effective. Easy. Safe. Long-lasting

GD the littlelama
GD the littlelama
4.8 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - Dental whitening procedure, done judiciously
Dental whitening procedure, done judiciously and with due planning and care, provides a brightness to dull-appearing teeth. It is a safe procedure and the modern whitening agents provide Fluoride protection to counter the development of sensitivity. The sensitivity, if any, is minimal and is temporary. Sensitivity based toothpastes are helpful in speedy recovery of that happens.
The procedure lasts for about 45 minutes, and could brighten the shade of teeth by 2-3 shades. The effect lasts for about 1.5-2 years (Conditions apply).
After the procedure, and for a few days, it is recommended to avoid pigmented foods and drinks, such as turmeric, beetroot, red wine, strong teas & coffees. Smoking should be avoided as well.
پارسال در تاریخ 1402/01/05 منتشر شده است.
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