My BF Is Obsessed With Models, He Forced Me To Be One

Story Time Animated
Story Time Animated
191.7 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Check out our channels in
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Story Time Animated 2

I was a total dreamer. My head was always in the clouds and most of the time I was thinking about the perfect relationship. I lived, breathed and ate soap operas and I had billions of love songs saved on my computer and phone. I read nothing but Romance novels in class and most of my teachers were frustrated with me for never paying attention to anything they said. I was too caught up in my fantasies to care.

But before I continue my interesting story, please don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel, and hit that notification bell! If you do, your crush will finally like you back!

I was sixteen years old and I had a few boyfriends in the past but we never lasted more than two months. I always ended up finding someone else more interesting and I was frustrated that they did not live up to the characters in my books and movies.

I don’t even know how this started. It’s not like I have psychological issues or anything. I came from a normal household with a mom, dad, grandparent and siblings. We always had enough stuff and I was a typical daddy’s girl. He bought me anything I wanted!

“Valerie, I know I give you everything but I think it’s about time you became a little more independent.” he said to me one night.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You can start saving money for college! Why not find a part-time job? I think you spend too much time watching soap operas and reading silly books.” he replied.

I couldn’t believe my dad suggested this. I was his little princess and he wanted me to work? Fend for myself? Ugh.

Anyway, I could only work after school and on weekends so at first it was really difficult to find a part time job that would accept me. I was just about to give up when the owner of a little coffee shop at a university campus said

“You’re hired!”

“Really?” I asked, half disappointed because I really wanted to report to my dad that no one would hire me, hoping he’d change his mind.

Then the door opened and my heart literally stopped.

“Hey Aiden, come meet your newest apprentice. Valerie, this is Aiden, he works here too.” my new boss said.

At that moment I knew I was destined to be right there with the most perfect looking guy in the universe. What a hunk!

“Hi.” I blushed.

“Hello beautiful.” he winked and I totally melted.

“I’ll show you the ropes today.” he said and I felt like this was going to be the best day of my entire life.

I was so nervous around Aiden that day that I spilled three cups of coffee – one on the kitchen counter, one on a customer and one all over my new apron! It was so embarrassing.

While I tried to wash my apron off in the sink Aiden approached me with a smile.

“Maybe it’s just first day jitters! You’ll have a better day tomorrow.” he said.

“Yeah, I guess.” I replied totally hiding the fact that it was all his fault.

“Hey I was wondering, could I have your number? We can talk about work stuff.” He said while laughing. It really WAS the best day of my life.

I gave him my number, and when my shift was over I skipped all the way home feeling like I was in the clouds.

My dad was super happy that I’d found a job too.

“That’s my baby girl! She’s independent!” he said while he did a ridiculous little dance.

That night Aiden called. We spoke for about two hours straight. I found out that he was a student on the same campus where we worked. We were the same age but he was just super smart and was able to leave high school really early.
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