My Family Has Been Hiding Their Secret Criminal Life

Story Time Animated
Story Time Animated
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Hi. My name is Jack, and my family is pretty crazy. And not in the usual, "oh they're so annoying" way. No, my family is crazy, because they have been hiding their secret criminal life from me for years.

How, you may ask? Well stay tuned til the end of the video to find out why. Also make sure you like and subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss out on any more crazy stories!!

Growing up, life was pretty normal. I went to school, I hung out with my friends, I played video games. My parents were pretty normal people. They went to work, they had 9 to 5 jobs, and they were pretty much just normal parents. My grandparents were normal. My aunties and uncles were normal. Everything was pretty much normal.

Little did I know that was all just an illusion.

You see, things weren't as normal as they seemed. Actually, we lived pretty UNnormal lives. We never lived in the same place for more than 6 months. We were constantly moving across the country, across states, across towns, and so you can imagine how hard it was for me to make friends. I never got to stay at the same school for long, so at times things could get pretty lonely for me.

I never thought it was strange, though, since I had grown up with it my whole life. By the time I was 15 years old, I had lived in over 30 different places. Crazy, right? I told you things weren't that normal in my family.

And that wasn't the only weird thing, now that I look back on my childhood. We would also have some strange "guests" come over to stay at our house. I didn't know them. I'm not even sure if my parents knew them. But they would come over to our house to stay for a week, maybe more, and they would always live in our basement. My parents told me never to tell anyone about our strange "guest", and I never did. I never questioned it either, though I probably should have.

These "guests" were quite peculiar-looking people. Sometimes they'd come in wearing rags and looking like they were homeless. Sometimes they'd come in with full-body tattoos. Sometimes they'd come in with bullet wounds, and my parents would have to help treat them and stitch the cuts up. I suppose it was also weird that they never called an ambulance for these wounded "guests", but that was just another part of their secret criminal life.

At other times, when we weren't moving locations, or harbouring "guests", we would go on vacations. Now, these weren't your ordinary vacations. We didn't go sightseeing, or do fun activities, or just relax. Let me explain how these strange vacations usually played out.

First, we would get "new passports". I know, that should have raised a red flag for me immediately, but when you've been growing up with these things happening all the time, you think it's normal. I thought it was normal to get new passports everytime you travel, with new names. The few times I did ask my parents about it, they'd say they wanted to stay hidden from the "system", whatever that meant.

Anyways, we would board the plane, fly to some random destination, and check into a hotel. The hotels varied. Sometimes it was a really nice, 5 star hotel, and other times it was a really dodgy motel with cracks and mould on the wall. We were pretty much rich, so I couldn't understand why my parents would rent a motel room when they had the money, but again - this was just another part of their secret criminal life.

So we would check into the room, and immediately my parents would leave. I was always left in the room on my own, and I would usually just go on my phone or watch TV. My parents always told me to lock the door, and never open it for anyone, unless it was them. We would make a secret knock each time we checked into a new hotel, so that I knew if they knocked, let's say, three times, that it was my parents so I could open the door.
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/08/15 منتشر شده است.
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