Henshaws InSights | Dave's Story | Stories about sight loss

941 بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - In this video meet Dave.Dave
In this video meet Dave.

Dave is a Henshaws service user who shares his story and details of his sight loss journey in this episode of InSights.

InSights are intimate personal stories of sight loss from individuals sharing their greatest challenges, their greatest fears, their darkest times and how they overcame them and moved forward in their lives.

In this episode, Dave shares his experiences with his sight loss, the difficulty he had being honest about and sharing his challenges with friends, why he thinks using a cane can be empowering and much more.

Despite having low vision (less than 5%), Dave has a very active lifestyle. In 2019, Dave completed a walk the length of Britain, from Cape Wrath to Dungeness, covering 900 miles in 42 days, raising money for sight loss charities in the UK. Dave completed this impressive feat alone using smartphone / tablet maps to navigate his journey. Dave shares some of his experiences from this recent walk, including what he did when he broke his glasses.

We hope these stories will resonate and encourage others to move forward on their own sight loss journey, as well as help sighted people to understand more about what visually impaired people experience.

Watch Dave's full story now.

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3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/11/07 منتشر شده است.
941 بـار بازدید شده
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