Last episode part 2 El cor de la ciutat ep 1624 part 2

131.8 هزار بار بازدید - 16 سال پیش - Translations courtesy of michellepe89, YGwanwyn
Translations courtesy of michellepe89, YGwanwyn and Dorothy. Gracias girls!
Clara: I'm here. Yes, I've broken the cell phone. Let me talk to Max.
Chus: You'll talk to Max when you're here. You're not in a position to impose any conditions. Now you'll head to the old soap factory of Vallbona. I'll see you arrive from far away. That is, I recommend that you don't do anything stupid. You'll find us in the offices of the second floor. You have an hour, or you'll be saying goodbye to your son.
(Max hits Chus, runs toward the door)
Max: Shit! (Tries the window and the cell phone) Shit...come on!!
(Chus knocks him out)


(Clara knocks at the door)
Chus: Come in slowly.
Clara: Max! Max, are you alright??
Chus: Shut your mouth and put your hands where I can see them!
Clara: It's okay, it's okay Max. It's over now.
Chus: I told you to shut up!
Clara: You have me here now! Isn't that what you wanted? So come on, let him go!
Chus: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that things have changed.
Clara: I've done what you told me to. It was my life for his.
Chus: And all of this has been very heroic on your part. Straight out of a movie. But what's your shitty life worth?? I thought it was going to satisfy me watching you die, but I've realized that that won't be enough.
Clara: Chus...Chus, please, let Max go, I'm begging you!
Chus: No, Clara. You killed my son. And before you pay for it, you'll see how I do the same thing with yours!
Clara: No!


Clara: Chus, please...Chus, no, please...
Chus: Quit whining, I'm sick of it.
Clara: Your debt was with me. I'm the only one responsible for what happened. Max has no fault in this!
Chus: And my son? What fault did he have?
Clara: Chus, I understand what you feel...
Chus: (Slaps Clara) You don't understand a fucking thing! You have no idea of the pain that you feel, of the emptiness that you have when they take away from you the most important thing in your life! But don't worry, you will know it.
Clara: And that pain will go away by killing him??
Chus: No, no it won't go away. But when I see your face after the shot, I'll feel fucking great!
Clara: Chus, please no...please!!
Chus: The only thing I regret is not being able to rip him out of your stomach like you did to me! (Points the gun at Max) Say goodbye to mama!
Clara: No!!!
Sergi : Don't move! Police! Don't move! Drop the weapon! Drop your weapon to the ground! On your knees! On your knees, damnit! Hands on your head!


Clara: And Max? I want to see Max!
Sergi: You'll see him now. They're doing a medical exam on him.
Clara: Is he okay? Tell me, is he okay??
Sergi: He's fine, he's fine, don't worry. Everyone's out of danger.
Clara: She wanted to kill him in front of me, Sergi. If you guys hadn't have appeared, she would have done it!
Sergi: You should have told us what you were intending to do, Clara. It was crazy.
Clara: I had to save my son!
Sergi: I know, Iago told us everything. When you left him hanging, he showed up at the hospital and told us what you wanted to do. Max's phone was on, and it's very easy to locate a cell phone that's connected.
Iago: Max!!
Max: Ah...Stop Iago, you're hurting me.
Iago: It doesn't matter.
Clara: Max...
Max: Thank you, mom...
Clara: Shhh! Everything's over now.
Chus: Such a nice picture. If you think that everything is over, you're very wrong, Clara Bosch!! I've waited 8 years, and I can wait 8 more.
Clara: Shut up!
Chus: Do you think that sending me to prison again changes anything? I've already gotten to you twice, and I'll do it again! Sooner or later Max will cross the street and a car will run him over. He'll go in the house and there'll be a gas explosion! It doesn't matter how, what's certain is that your son will die!!
Clara: Shut up!!
Chus: I assure you that I won't rest until he's dead! And when it happens, you'll know it was me!
(Clara shoots Chus)
Sergi: Clara!
16 سال پیش در تاریخ 1387/04/25 منتشر شده است.
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