10 Ways To Get Rid of Herpes Fast : Cure Herpes Naturally

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10 Ways To Get Rid of Herpes Fast : Cure Herpes Naturally
Herpes Cure 2016 Herpes Cure 2016 |  Herpes Natural Cu...
Hello all in this video we are discussing about the best 10 ways to get rid of herpes fast and naturally, so before starting i want to tell you that herpes a virus which is known herpes simplex virus it is very easily transmitted from one to another while having sex or physical contact it will also passes through mother to son during pregnancy. Around 63% population is suffering from herpes virus and they even don't know this because it is not necessary that if a herpes virus is inside you and for sure it breakouts or show another signs maximum people carrieng these viruses without any breakout but the are easily transferred from you to your partner. This is very danger virus sometimes it will make people blind and in pregnancy period it will leads women to miscarriage. So how to cure herpes fast and naturally? just follow these 10 Tips to cure herpes :

Tip 1 : Sugar
* Stop or reduce the use of sugar, sugary drinks and sugary foods.
* Sugar acts as a fertilizer for the herpes virus and encourages the growth (replication).
* The solution is by using organic raw honey. honey is known for it's antiseptic qualities.

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Tip 2 : Tea tree oil for herpes
*Tea tree oil is a great antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antinfection oil. It is great for skin conditions including herpes.

Tip 3 : Food grade coconut oil
* Take three tablespoons a day, one with each meal preferably but can even be used as a snack on its own.
* Coconut oil contains a substance called Lauric acid, which once ingested becomes monoauric acid.
* Monoauric acid dissolves the herpes virus protective barrier leaving it defencless against our bodies antibodies.

Tip 4 : Avoid foods which contains arginine include the following
* Red meat
* Seeds
* nuts
* Whole Grains
* Seafood
* Eggs
* Lentils
And a whole host of other foods.

Tip 5 : Peppermint Oil
* It is possible to get rid of herpes sores by the application of antivirus and antibacterial peppermint oil on the sores.
* This method may also prevent further sore formation.

Tip 6 : Lemon Balm (Oral sores)
* Applying lemon balm to the oral sore will help get rid of herpes sores.
* The application may be repeated as many times as required as lemon balm is an excellent treatment for recurring sores.

Tip 7 : Milk Of Magnesia.
* A protective coat of milk of magnesia can be applied directly to the herpes sores.
* For oral sores (in mouth) try using one tablespoon of milk of magnesia as an alternative mouthwash before to prevent the pain and inflammation.

Tip 8 : Lysine.
* A diet that is high in lysine produces anti viral properties to block the arginine protein production in the body.
* Some food items that rich in lysine are:

Tip 9 : Essential oils.
* Mix two drops each thyme, ginger, sandalwood and hyssop with tablespoons of grape seed oil.
* Apply with cotton wool/swab. To use a fresh swab with each application.

Tip 10 : ascorbyl Palmitate.
* Ascorbyl palmitate is a form of vitamin C that remains in your body as long as the body requires it.
* it acts as an antioxidant that clears your body of free radicals.

Herpes cure 2016 http://www.herpescure9.com/herpes-cure/

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