My evil stepdad | my horrible life

Story Time Animated
Story Time Animated
627.4 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - Hi! My name is Bianca,
Hi! My name is Bianca, and I’d like to tell you that not only evil stepmoms exist... I have an evil step-dad, and it’s pure hell, believe me!
Back when mom and dad were married, my life was perfect, believe me. Sure, they argued and stuff, but they both cared deeply about me. My dad was so sweet towards me, he loved me so much and would tell me a story before bedtime every single time. Dad was great.
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Well, the thing is, as nice as everything was, my parents did argue, as I said. And more so every single year. It got to a point that all they did was fight. It was kind of scary, I’m not going to lie, and I’d lock myself in my room to try and pretend nothing was happening.
So, eventually, they ended getting a divorce. And it wasn’t a quick, easy process. Oh, no. In a way, it was even worse than the arguments. My mom’s lawyer was so mean, and my dad’s lawyer smiled like a shark. I didn’t like them at all.
I wasn’t there for most of it since I was a kid, but I know now that horrible things were said. And they really fought like hell to get custody of me.
My dad wanted primary custody, but mom ended up being the one to get it. She was getting the house after all, and it was better since I’d be closer to my school and my friends. I was still going to be seeing dad frequently, so I was ok with that, but it still hurt to have to spend more time with one of them, you know?
I cried so much during that time! I felt like I was losing my daddy!
“Don’t worry, I’ll still be there for you whenever you need me, and you’ll come to my house twice a week” He explained, but it still hurt.
Now, did I want to go live with dad back then? Honestly, I don’t know. A while later, the answer would be “Yes, yes, please, and right now!”
Anyways, at first, things were... ok. Not good, not great, but sort of ok.
Mom was really outgoing, especially after divorcing my father. She wanted to have fun, and once I heard her telling one of her friends:
“I want to get back all I lost by staying with that loser all that time! So let’s go out dancing and get ourselves some hot guys!”
I was too young to understand what it meant back then, but it still made me feel uncomfortable. He was saying something bad about my dad, and I loved my dad.
Mom went on so many dates, and I usually stayed with nannies. I asked if I could go with daddy instead during that nights, but oh, boy, did that made mom angry at me.
“No! This isn’t the night you spend with your father. You’re staying here!” She’d say.
“But you aren’t here with me!” I replied, protesting.
None of it mattered. She still had her date and I’d stay with the nanny. I mean, she was pleasant and all, but I would have rather been with dad, you know?
Now I realize that she was trying to get some revenge on my dad. It wasn’t about me, it was about him... but I was the one being hurt in the process. As time went by, though, she seemed to get more immature, and care less and less about me. It was as if I was an inconvenience rather than her little girl.
And then Earl arrived. Earl was the first boyfriend mom actually brought home. He was neat at first. Smart, funny and kind. He liked spending time with me and brought me small gifts whenever he picked up mom for a date.
Earl started staying over more and more often, to the point that he might have just been living there. Yeah, I had a new “dad”, and though he was nice, I didn’t like it at all. Mom was super in love with him. Though she was paying more attention to me now that she wasn’t going out dating so often, she still wasn’t the same mom I remembered.
Now, as time began to slip by, things began to really change. Earl was unnecessarily cruel, with really petty things. Like, he knew my mom always lost her sunglasses. He would hide them, and when mom was asking about them, he’d say:
“Your daughter was playing with them a while ago”
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/02/16 منتشر شده است.
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