"Charged with watchfulness" — Joseph Smith protects the golden plates from mob incursions | Ep. 198

Saints Unscripted
Saints Unscripted
6.3 هزار بار بازدید - 3 روز پیش - In this episode, David talks
In this episode, David talks about a few different attempts that were made to find and take the golden plates after Joseph had brought them home. Video transcript: saintsunscripted.com/faith-and-beliefs/the-restora… — “‘All My Endeavors to Preserve Them’: Protecting the Plates in Palmyra, 22 September–December 1827,” by Andrew H. Hedges, BYU Studies: bit.ly/3KPtXz5 — “A True Treasure Chest,” by Heidi Bennett, via the Church’s website: bit.ly/3n3d0sI — Recommended reading: “The Revised and Enhanced History of Joseph Smith by His Mother,” by Lucy Mack Smith, edited by Proctor & Proctor “Obtaining and Protecting the Plates,” by H. Dean Garrett, in “Joseph: Exploring the Life and Ministry of the Prophet” (chapter 7), edited by Susan E. Black & Andrew Skinner — Chapter 3 of “Rough Stone Rolling,” by Richard Bushman — Chapters 1 & 2 of “From Darkness unto Light,” by Michael H. MacKay & Gerrit J. Dirkmaat — “United by Faith: The Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family,” edited by Kyle R. Walker Notes: — Who were the people trying to find the plates? We get some clues from M. Harris, who said, "[the] money-diggers claimed that they had as much right to the plates as Joseph had, as they were in company together. They claimed that Joseph had been [a] traitor, and had appropriated to himself that which belonged to them. For this reason Joseph was afraid of them, and continued concealing the plates.” Willard Chase, Sally Chase, Samuel Lawrence, and others were likely involved (see Alvah Beaman note below). “Early Mormon Documents,” edited by Dan Vogel, 2:307. See also EMD 5:103 (and pg. 107 for copy) — Joseph Knight said that while the plates were under the hearth, Samuel Lawrence and Alvah Beaman visited Joseph, hoping to bargain for a share of the plates. When Joseph refused, Beaman consulted his divining rods, which indicated that the plates were buried under the hearth. Knight was probably mistaken, though, as Lucy Mack Smith & Mary Noble (Alvah’s daughter) reported that Alvah helped Joseph bury the plates under the hearth (see note below). M. Harris also recalled that Alvah helped fit a second box to the dimensions of the plates (the Ontario glass-box), see EMD 2:307. Since Knight’s short account is challenged and isn’t corroborated anywhere else that I’ve seen, I’ve left it out of this video. Source: bit.ly/3L6xTNm — Mary Noble, daughter of Alvah Beaman, recalled, “as soon as it was noised around that there was a golden Bible found (for that was what it was called at that time) the minds of the people became so excited and it arose at such a pitch that a mob collected together to search the house of Father Smith to find the records[.] my father was there at the time and assisted in concealing the plates in a box in a secluded place where no one could find them although he did not see them[.]" “Mary A. Noble Autobiography, circa 1834-1836,” in EMD 3:308-309 — Caroline Rockwell Smith (sister to Porter Rockwell) recalled in the 1880s, “Catherine Smith, sister of the prophet, showed me in their house a chest with lock where the plates were kept, but they feared they would be stolen, and then she took up four bricks in the hearth and said they had been buried there.” “Caroline Rockwell Smith Statement, 25 March 1885,” in EMD 2:200 — M. Harris: “When he [Joseph] arrived at home, he handed the plates in at the window, and they were received from him by his mother. They were then hidden under the hearth in his father’s house. But the wall being partly down, it was feared that certain ones, who were trying to get possession of the plates, would get under the house and dig them out. Joseph then took them out, and hid them under the old cooper’s shop, by taking up a board and digging in the ground and burying them. When they were taken from there, they were put into an old Ontario glass-box. Old Mr. Beman sawed off the ends, making the box the right length to put them in, and when they went in he said he heard them jink, but he was not permitted to see them. He told me so …. After they had been concealed under the floor of the cooper’s shop for a short time, Joseph was warned to remove them. He said he was warned by an angel. He took them out and hid them up in the chamber of the cooper’s shop among the flags. That night some one came, took up the floor, and dug up the earth, and would have found the plates had they not been removed.” (Notice that Martin’s cooper-shop account slightly differs from that of Lucy Smith) EMD. 2:306-307 — Orson Pratt reported that on Joseph’s way to Harmony with the plates, his wagon was searched twice by different officers, who failed to discover the plates. I didn’t find any other early sources that mention this, but my search was far from comprehensive. EMD 1:158 SUBSCRIBE: http://saintsunscripted/subscribe
3 روز پیش در تاریخ 1403/07/16 منتشر شده است.
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