Resep Nasi Goreng Ala Hong Kong: Dijamin Wangi!

Devina Hermawan
Devina Hermawan
2.2 میلیون بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - **English description is at the
**English description is at the bottom section.**
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00:00 : intro
01:24 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:45 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
06:57 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Resep Nasi Goreng Hong Kong. Nasi goreng merupakan salah satu makanan favorit banyak orang. Beragam variasi dari nasi goreng, salah satunya nasi goreng Hong Kong. Berbeda dengan nasi goreng di Indonesia pada umumnya, nasi goreng Hong Kong identik dengan warna putih. Cara buatnya simple dan tentunya enak! Bisa dinikmati untuk sarapan, makan siang, ataupun makan malam.

Resep Nasi Goreng Hong Kong (untuk 2 porsi)

2 porsi nasi
3 siung bawang merah, potong dadu
¼ siung bawang bombai, potong dadu
1 batang daun bawang, iris 1 cm
2 butir telur
¼ bonggol jagung pipil
½ buah wortel, potong dadu (rebus ½ matang)
1 buah labu siam kecil, potong dadu
1 sosis, potong dadu
1 porsi ayam panggang, potong dadu
2 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm kecap ikan
½ - 1 sdt minyak wijen (opsional)
¾ sdt gula
½ sdt merica
1 sdt penyedap
Minyak untuk menumis

1. Panaskan minyak lalu tumis bawang merah, bawang bombai, dan daun bawang bagian putih hingga kering kemudian tambahkan telur di pinggir wajan dan aduk-aduk
2. Masukkan jagung, wortel, labu siam, sosis, dan ayam panggang lalu tumis sebentar
3. Masukkan kecap asin, kecap ikan, nasi, gula, merica, dan penyedap kemudian aduk hingga rata
4. Masukkan daun bawang bagian hijau dan minyak wijen, aduk rata lalu matikan api
5. Pindahkan ke dalam piring saji lalu taburi dengan daun bawang
6. Nasi goreng hong kong siap disajikan


Here’s the Key Recipe to Super-Aromatic Hong Kong Fried Rice!

Fried Rice is the favorite meal of many people. There are many variations to fried rice, one of which is Hong Kong Fried Rice. Unlike the regular Indonesian fried rice, Hong Kong Fried Rice is marked by its white color. It’s simple to make and, of course, tasty! You can enjoy this dish for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Hong Kong Fried Rice Recipe (yield 2 servings)

2 serving rice
3 pc shallots, diced
¼ pc onion, diced
1 pc green onion, slice to 1 cm thick
2 pc eggs
Corn shelled from ¼ cob
½ pc carrot, diced (parboiled)
1 pc small chayote, diced
1 pc sausage, diced
1 serving roasted chicken, diced
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
½ - 1 tsp sesame oil (optional)
¾ tsp sugar
½ tsp pepper
1 tsp flavor enhancer
Oil to stir fry

1. Heat some oil and sauté the shallots, onion, and the white part of green onions. Once they’re cooked, add the eggs on the side of the wok. Stir.
2. Add the corn, carrot, chayote, sausage, and roasted chicken. Sauté for a bit.
3. Add the soy sauce, fish sauce, rice, sugar, pepper, and flavor enhancer. Mix well.
4. Add the green part of green onion and sesame oil. Mix well, then turn the heat off.
5. Hong Kong Fried Rice is ready to serve.


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4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/07/29 منتشر شده است.
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