5. Folge | Die Apokalypse des Johannes | Dr. Wolfgang Peter | Anthroposophie | Rudolf Steiner

AnthroWorld - Anthroposophie erlebbar machen
AnthroWorld - Anthroposophie erlebbar machen
6.5 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - MAIN TOPICThe lecture focuses on
The lecture focuses on the Egyptian-Chaldean cultural epoch, which corresponds to the third community of Pergamum in the Apocalypse. The differences between the two migratory currents, some of which go back to Atlantis, a northern Chaldean folk current that directed attention more outwards (astrology, stargazing) and a southern Egyptian folk current that directed attention more inwards (organs), will be elaborated. Both currents, however, seek unity between macrocosm and microcosm, the northern one more on the outside, then involving the inside, the southern one more on the inside, then involving the outside. We learn a lot of interesting facts about the two disciples of Zarathustra, Hermes trismegistos, who received the astral body of Zarathustra, and Moses, who ...  read more here https://anthro.world

0:00:00 Opening credits to the 5th episode of the Apocalypse of John by Wolfgang Peter
0:00:32 Welcome and Introduction - Seven Churches, Seven Cultural Epochs
0:02:07 Egyptians and Chaldeans - Two major folk currents after the Ice Age floods
0:03:13 The Northern Stream - the Chaldeans: Stargazers (Outside)
0:04:36 The southern stream - the Egyptians: Inner World (Inner)
0:06:15 Hermes trismegistos (King Menes): Founder of Egyptian culture
0:07:23 Tabula smaragdina (Emerald Tablet) - the Hermetic teaching: mystical path
0:08:42 Moses: an initiate into the Egyptian mysteries
0:09:45 Moses goes with his people to the promised land
0:10:29 The legacy of Zarathustra
0:11:00 Life forces - etheric body
0:11:49 Consciousness - Astral Body
0:12:37 Ego-consciousness - a black hole in the wall
0:14:20 Astral body in animals
0:15:39 Zarathustra gives Hermes the powers of his astral body
0:21:06 Zarathustra hands over the powers of his etheric body to Moses
0:21:57 The astral is the cosmic-spatial. The etheric is the metamorphosis (transformation) in time (development).
0:23:07 Moses: Genesis - World Creation
0:23:57 The Hebrew language: power of imagination and soul-spiritual experience.
0:25:28 "Bereshit bara Elohim et haSchamaim we et haArez"
0:27:02 The twelve tribes of the Israelite people
0:28:50 Balaam and Balak: Three times turning the curse into blessing
0:32:36 The shepherd's crook - a ruler's insignia: expression of Kundalini
0:34:23 Kundalini: astral powers under the dominion of the I
0:35:50 The uplifting power (ego power) - language
0:36:50 Language outwards: word - language inwards: Thinking
0:37:38 "I am, who I am"
0:42:52 Osiris myth
0:44:06 Osiris - son of Geb (earth god) and Nut (the heavenly one)
0:46:13 The Urindians', Urpersians' and Egyptians' view of the underworld (hell)
0:48:46 Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtis
0:51:08 Seth - the Greeks call him Typhon
0:52:20 Anubis - son of Osiris and Nephtis
0:53:51 Death of Osiris
0:56:54 Typhon - Typhoon - Waindhauch - Breath: the breath makes us mortal
0:58:12 A second creation story: Second chapter of Genesis - Adam
1:00:48 Breath - Typhon - Trial of Death
1:04:45 Man's ego power is related to Christ
1:06:16 Original Persian mythology: Cercuane acarene (zodiac) - origin of Ormuzd and Ahriman
1:09:03 Isis finds the body of Osiris
1:10:49 Typhon dismembers the corpse: an image for fragmentation into sensual perception
1:15:07 Imagination - mental experience: sympathy and antipathy
1:18:27 Development of sensual perception in the child
1:21:20 Erection - language - thinking - I am an I
1:21:20 I-consciousness goes along with dying processes in the nervous system
1:34:28 Horus: son of Osiris and Isis - the overcomer of the forces of death
1:37:33 The motif of overcoming the forces of death finds its continuation in the earthly life of the Christ
1:39:08 The significance of the 72 assistants of Seth
1:49:52 The third church: The church of Pergamum - the Egyptian-Chaldean period
1:52:31 Conclusion

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Here Wolfgang gives another interesting lecture on the Apocalypse of John. It is a multi-part cycle of lectures. Usually Wolfgang gives his lectures "in real" in front of an audience, but the corona time makes inventive. So it comes to the live broadcast via the internet. We have left the small accident from around minute 30 in here. It's all.... "real".

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4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/03/01 منتشر شده است.
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