The Best Eulogy of Don Bosco's Oratory I've Ever Heard | Ep. 81

Miracles and Prophecies of Saint John Bosco
Miracles and Prophecies of Saint John Bosco
2.7 هزار بار بازدید - 11 ماه پیش - Father Barrera of the Confraternity
Father Barrera of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, was greatly moved by the sight of so many people who had flocked to the blessing ceremony of the cornerstone of Don Bosco’s church in Turin, Auxillium Christianorum. Supported by the significant number of Turin’s priests, patricians, and matrons who crowded around him, Father Barrera mounted a small hill and improvised a spectacular speech.

He began with these words: “Gentle people, the stone that was blessed and placed in the foundation of this future Church has two great meanings. First, it reminds us of the parable of the mustard seed through which many boys will come to seek refuge. Second, it signifies the work of the Oratories based on the faith and charity of Jesus Christ. By their efforts, will become an immovable boulder against which the enemies of religion and the spirits of darkness will struggle in vain.”

“In that peril, what do we see, O gentle people? We see frightened people seeking shelter. People retreat to their homes. The beasts of the field flee to their dens. The birds of the air fly to their nests, and they are lucky if they make it to a sturdy and safe tree.”

“For us, the times are getting worse, especially for poor youth. This Oratory is a tree that will put down deep roots and not collapse under the howling winds. In the shade of this tree and the enclosure of its sacred edifice, thousands of young people will find shelter and defense against the seeds of errors that are sown today by impious men and degenerate writers. They will find refuge and defense against the adages that destroy every idea of virtue and morality. They will find shelter and defense from the fiery thunderbolts of youthful passions, which are aroused by the evil examples and scandals in every class of people.”

“Already, I see flocks of young men, like terrified doves, rising in flight from all sides. They are heading here to find a safe haven. Gathering here, they find shelter, defense, food, and temporal and eternal life nourishment.”

“Gentle people, offer your material and moral support to ensure that this tree grows, spreads its branches over the whole city that gathers so many poor boys underneath it. To the disdain of religion and the decline of morals, these boys find themselves scampering through the streets and squares on feast days, in danger of dishonoring themselves, disgracing their families, and contributing to the disarray and desolation of civil society. O Lords, you could not employ your charity today in a more useful work for the Church and the state. The life or death of families, kingdoms, and the world depend on our youth, whether well-educated or not.”

“O God, Our Savior, and Our Lord, Thou art symbolized in this cornerstone. Take this undertaking under Thy omnipotent arm. Bless it if it is cursed. Defend it if it is attacked. Love it as the pupil of Thine eye if it is hated. It fully deserves Thy benevolence because its purpose is to gather, instruct, and educate children who were the joy of Thy heart during Thy mortal life. Children are and always will be the object of Thy most loving attention because they are the little lambs of Thy flock, the choicest flowers in Thy Church’s Garden. May this undertaking forever prosper under Thy protection. May its seed scatter far and wide, carried by the winds of Thy grace. May the very foundations of the world collapse before it fades away from the face of the earth!”

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11 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/05/06 منتشر شده است.
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