How to Work with Double-Pointed Needles | Circular Knitting

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In this video I'm going to show you what you need to  know  to  be  able  to knit in the round on double pointed needles.   Now  a  lot  of  people  feel really intimidated by projects on double pointed needles because there is  a lot going on here.  There's all these points.   There's  all  these  sticks. But if you're comfortable knitting with two needles, then  you're  going  to be fine with  this  because  you're  really  only  ever  knitting  with  two needles.  

The other ones are just holding up  your  live  stitches,  waiting for you to get to them.  So it's kind of the art of ignoring what you  don't need to be using.  I am going to be knitting  with  the  front  two  needles that are closest to me and just like knitting  with  straight  needles,  I'm knitting from the left needle that's holding the  stitches  onto  the  right needle, which is currently  empty,  and  I  am  going  to  be  emptying  the stitches from the left needle, over to the  right,  then  the  right  needle will be full of stitches, the left needle will be  empty,  and  I'll  switch and move around.  So I'll show you how to do that.  I  am  going  to  ignore everything but this needle that is next in line, and I can  tell  it's  next in line because the working yarn is coming from  the  stitch  on  my  right, which means I just finished knitting these stitches and now the next  stitch after this one is this one.  So I've got my empty needle in  my  right  hand and my working yarn right here in front of the next stitch that  I  have  to do.  So this is the next stitch in line.  

And I'm going  to  work  it.   I'm working a knit two, purl two ribbing here, so I'm on my two  purl  stitches. And move the yarn to work my two knit stitches.  And if  you  can  see  what I'm doing, I'm focusing just on the  two  needles  that  matter  right  now, which is the working needles.  The other two look like they're in my  hands, but they're really just there because  they  have  to  be,  because  they're holding up yarn that's attached to the project  I'm  working  on.   But  I'm ignoring them.  I'm not using  them  at  all.   And  they might  feel  like they're in your way.  Don't let that bother you.  

They're  going  to  be  in your way, but soon, when you get used to this, you  won't  even  feel  them. And every knitter has a different way of sort of getting those  out  of  the way.  You can tuck them up with your left hand  to  get  them  less  in  the forefront of what you're doing.  But for me, that bothers my left hand.   So I just kind of let  them  go  wherever  they're  going  to  go.   It's  like knitting very close with other knitters.  Ignoring those  two  back  needles and just concentrating on working with the front two.  And by front, I  mean the ones that are closest to your body.  So I finished  those  stitches  and my left needle is now empty.

That right needle that  was  empty  before  is now holding all the stitches that I worked onto it.  So I'm  going  to  turn in the direction of the knitting and reset again.  This is the  last  stitch that I made.  I can tell because it has the  working  arm  coming  from  it. This is the next stitch to be worked.  I have this empty needle in my  right hand and I'm ready to begin again.  And this is how  you  work  with  double pointed needles.  

You just continue going around in  the  direction  of  the work, emptying your left-hand needle onto your right-hand  needle.   And  so I'm going to speed up here just to get to the end of the round again.   Move the yarn and knit two.  Move the yarn and purl two.  This is knit two,  purl two ribbing.  And now I have an empty needle in my  left  hand  and  a  full needle in my right.  So I would begin again by switching hands.  But what  I wanted to show you is what you're doing  is  you're  working  on  the  three needles using the fourth.  So some packets of double  pointed  needles  will come with four needles.  Most of them come with five.  I love  this  because if you lose one, you're not out of your whole set.  You  can  just  pick  up your extra, your fifth needle.  But in some parts  of  the  world,  they  do knit on double pointed needles on four, so  the  work  will  be  distributed across four needles and you'll be working with the fifth.  

Generally,  what I have seen in the western world, in western Europe and England and  in  the United States, is we work on three needles and knit with the fourth.  So  if you buy a packet of five needles, don't lose the fifth one.  You  will  need it at some point if you lose or break your fourth needle.  And that  is  how you work around and around
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/08/11 منتشر شده است.
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