[Trailer] 獄鳳 ( On parole )

Fortune Star Media Limited
Fortune Star Media Limited
3.1 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - On parole獄鳳 (1993)導演: 李國立領銜主演: 陳雅倫,
On parole獄鳳 (1993)

導演: 李國立
領銜主演: 陳雅倫, 錢嘉樂, 惠英紅, 尹揚明

潘紅為黑幫大佬亞龍之妻,一次買賣中,龍不幸罹難,臨終時囑咐紅改邪歸正,紅答應。但她最後仍是被警方拘捕,入獄七年。龍死後,由大哥昆接任,其妻魏倫,替她打理不少事務,紅放監,昆叫司機成去接她,紅拒絕上車。卻和雞乘另一車而去,眾姐妹中亦只有雞來接紅,其他人已做回老本行,故心中有愧,暫不想面對紅。紅重遇獄中眾姐妹,勤她們走回正路,龍死後遺下海鮮酒樓,紅建議把它收回,然後大家一起經營,眾姐妹贊成,海鮮灑樓的現任老闆為Simon wong,以前只是酒樓的會計仔。老大死後便接管經營,現時更參加區議員選舉,不可一世。紅欲取回酒樓,S當然不肯,更與紅的姐妹發生爭執。但紅不想再用暴力,唯有智取,逐叫F勾搭S,把他帶酒店,兩 人親熱時,眾姐妹出現拍下照片威協S,S因著自已參選議員的身份,不能把照片公開,只好答應出讓酒樓。

Director: Lee, Kwok Lap
Starring: Chan, Nga Lun Ellen Chin, Ka Lok Wai, Ying Hung Kara Wan, Yeung Ming

Mobster Lung was killed in an illegal trade. Just before he died, his wife, Poon Hung had promised him not being involved in illegal businesses again. Poon Hung was convicted and sentenced to jail for 7 years. After Mobster Lung died, another mobster host the business. Poon Hung has got many friends from jail, and they encourage each other for a new life. Upon discharge, Poon Hung decides to get back the restaurant which is supposed to belong to Lung while now is occupied by Simon Wong. Therefore, conflict between Poon and Simon occurs. On the other hand, the new mobster's wife who has affair with Simon also gets involve in the conflict together to attack Poon...
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4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/07/16 منتشر شده است.
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