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Do This 60 Seconds Dental Trick Before Going to Bed Tonight To Rebuild Your Teeth
and Gums And Get Rid of Tooth Decay
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First of all, let’s talk about wheat grass, and it’s rise to fame.

As, natural powerful treatment, for a wide range of issues.

Wheatgrass, is the young grass shoots, of the tricticum Aestivum plant.
It is grown, mainly Europe, and the United States.
It can, also be grown indoors, If you live, in a colder climate.

It has been used, for thousand of years, by ancient Egyptians, and Indians as part of
Ayurvedic medicine.
But, its rise in the western world, first began, in the 1930’s.

When, Doctor CHARLES FRANKLIN SCHNABEL’S, work on wheatgrass opened, the
Flood gates.

For further, scientific research.
He was considered, the Father of WheatGrass, for His continued work, in the field.

One of his research areas, was carried out on chicken, where he gave them
wheatgrass, and over a period of time.
He noticed, their health improve, Drastically.

He also saw, that these same chicken, tripled their eggs,  production rate.
When a small amount of wheatgrass, was added to their diet.
Pretty amazing right?

What does wheatgrass contains?

Wheatgrass, is packed full of vitamins and, vital minerals.
In addition, to containing Plant nutrients, which are thought to have antioxidant, antibacterial,
and anti inflammatory properties.

No wonder, it is a magical cure, for everything.
All the essential minerals, can Be achieved, from this one product.

It contains, 92 minerals, which include.
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and the list goes on.

It also has a reputation, of curing all kind of problems, such as cancer.
although, this is not conclusive, and more research is required.

Ulcers, can be treated, by wheatgrass.
According to several studies, liver
Detoxification, can occur through this, powerful food.

Is it, any good for teeth?


It contains chlorophyll, one of natures Best remedies, for gum disease.

Chlorophyll, contains 20 amino acids, and other phytochemical.

Not found, in other foods.

It works, by neutralising the toxins, that inflame gums and, loosen teeth.

It will no doubt inhibit, the growth of disease, causing bacteria, and reduce the
Amount of plaque, build up.

A study, was carried out, at the, Eastman Dental, Institute of London, and discovered
A correlation, between ph, and periodontal pocketing.

Wheatgrass showed, to balance the body’s Ph levels, making it more
Alkaline, and thus reducing, the effects of acidic foods, that cause gum disease.

How to use wheatgrass, for Dramatic Results.

For better teeth, you want to use wheatgrass slightly differently, you don’t want
To drink, to straight away.

Get, half teaspoon of natural wheatgrass powder, and put it into a shot glass.

Add, in some water, and mix well, as there might be some clumps.

Try using bottled water, as it will not contain chemicals, that are present in tap water.

Just simply, swish it around your mouth, for one minute, and spit it out.

Try to break it, upto 2 halves.

Do, half of the shot glass first, then brush your teeth.

After, brushing your teeth, swish the remaining wheatgrass, for another
Minute, and spit out again.

Wheatgrass, contains chlorophyll, which is an antibacterial, so you can imagine
It removes the bad bacteria, from your mouth.

Studies, have also shown, that to can heal tissue damage, and prevent bad mouth odour,
Which is big plus.

If you have tried, coconut oil pulling, and have not seen, any success then.

wheatgrass, may be the better option, and it’s much quicker, and easier to use.

Give it a shot, and see the difference, for yourself.

Don’t forget, the basic though.
Regular toothbrushing, and flossing, are essential to maintain, decent teeth.

The right nutrition, also plays a big part, in maintaining proper oral hygiene.

DISCLAIMER : This information is for educational purposes only. If problems persist, please see a professional.
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