Diseases of Apple | For NET, JRF, SRF CSIR, IBPS, AFO, ARS

Doctor Agriculture
Doctor Agriculture
21.3 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Subscribe to Dr. Agriculturist
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Ornamental Crops (फूल वाली फसलें)
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😀 you should read these important books to get complete and clear pictures of plant diseases

1. Plant Pathology by G N Agriose (Click the link to Buy the books)

2. Plant Pathology by R S Mehrotra and A Aggarwal (Click the link to Buy the books)

3. Plant Disease by R S Singh (Click the link to Buy the books)

4. Diseases of crop plant in India by G Rangaswami and A Mahadevan (Click the link to Buy the books)

5. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology by R S Mehrotra and A Aggarwal (Click the link to Buy the books)

6. Introduction to Principles of Plant Pathology by R S Singh

Stay tuned to our channel Dr. Agriculturist for more updates.

Thanks, and regards
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/02/20 منتشر شده است.
21,325 بـار بازدید شده
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