Compound Powerbuilding: Upper Body Dumbbell Only Workout

Blue Star Nutraceuticals
Blue Star Nutraceuticals
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Looking to take your strength and muscle gains to the next level? Check out "Compound Powerbuilding" with Blue Star Nutraceuticals athlete Matt Daciw. In this high-intensity workout, Matt will guide you through a series of compound exercises designed to build muscle and increase strength.

You'll learn how to perform these exercises with proper form and technique to maximize your results and minimize the risk of injury. Plus, Matt will share his tips and tricks for optimizing your diet and supplementation to support your training and recovery.

Don't settle for mediocre gains. Transform your physique with Compound Powerbuilding and Matt Daciw. Watch now and start building the body you've always wanted.

💪 Full Workout

Exercise #1: Dumbbell Push Press
Set up just like you would for an Overhead Press, core braced, glutes tight, feet shoulder-width - then dip down slightly and explosively push the weight up directly overhead. By using the additional head-to-toe momentum you can generate a lot more power and lift heavier weight than you normally could for a traditional strict overhead press.This will help overload the shoulders and really maximize your explosive power.

Exercise #2: Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Keep your torso parallel to the ground and brace your core. A little body english is ok on this exercise - but still keep the movement as controlled as possible. Row the weight up to your mid stomach, pulling with your elbows, and control the weight back down.

Exercise #3: Dumbbell Bench Press
Grab a pair of dumbbells, lie back on a flat bench, retract your shoulders, push the weights straight up explosively, stopping just short of lockout, then lower the weights slowly under control - remember, keep the chest up and constant tension on the pecs.

Exercise #4: Dumbbell Pullover
Setup in a bridge position, lying perpendicular on a flat bench, with your upper back on the bench. Hold the end of a dumbbell in your hands, with your arms extended straight. Lower the weight behind your head down towards the ground getting a deep stretch in your lats, then focus on bringing the weight back over-top of your head without bending your arms. You should feel this in your lats, under your armpits and somewhat in your pecs. This is one of the best dumbbell exercises for building width in your upper back.

Exercise #5: Dumbbell Chin Up
Tuck a dumbbell between your legs. Grab the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing towards you), around shoulder width. Retract your shoulders and think about pulling with your elbows trying to tuck them in your back pockets to engage the lats. Wit the underhand grip, it will engage your biceps more than traditional pull ups. If you can’t do chin ups yet, use some bands to assist you until you're strong enough.


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💥 P.P.K.: Pump. Power. Kick.

💪 Post-Factor:  Refuel. Recover. Rebuild.

🏋️‍♂️ Roughage: Get Your Greens

💥 Shake One: Your Day Starts Now

🚀 Status: Boost Your Test

🏋️‍♂️ Vitality: Take It Daily



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