V2:24- Ruling on eating the meat of an animal dedicated to other than Allāh Noor ala alDarb, ibn...

29 بار بازدید - 2 ماه پیش - V2:24- Ruling on eating the
V2:24- Ruling on eating the meat of an animal dedicated to other than Allāh [Noor ala alDarb, Shaikh ibn Baz, Vol2]

Language: English

Q: It is customary in our village that when something bad happens to a person, they make a vow to slaughter an animal and dedicate it to one of the dead Shaykhs in the hope that Allāh will remove their trouble. Is it permissible to eat the meat of that animal? Is it also permissible to fulfill that vow once the trouble is removed?

[Vol. 2, Page No. 71-73]

A: The matter of making vows needs some clarification. It is permissible to fulfil such vows that involve an act of obedience to Allāh like a person vowing to offer voluntary Salah (Prayer), observe Sawm (fast) on certain days or months, or give Sadaqah (voluntary charity) if Allāh (Exalted be He) cures the sick. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Whoever makes a vow to obey Allāh should obey Him. Thus, it is permissible for a person to make such a vow that in case Allāh cures his sickness or returns a missing person to him, he will observe Sawm for five or ten days, give one thousand Dirhams as Sadaqah or offer a number of Rak'ahs (units of Prayer). Whenever his demands are answered, he will have to fulfill the vows he has taken. However, it is impermissible to make a vow that involves disobeying Allāh (Exalted be He). The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Whoever makes a vow to disobey Allāh should not disobey Him. It will be considered an act of major Shirk (associating others with Allāh in His Divinity or worship) if a person vows to slaughter an animal and dedicate it to Shaykh Al-Badawy in case Allāh cures a sick person or to Al-Husayn or Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir or others. This is major Shirk, impermissible and should not be fulfilled. One has to turn to Allāh in repentance for this. Thus, Islām considers it an act of major Shirk to slaughter animals and dedicate their meat to the dead as a means of drawing near to them. All acts of Ibadah (worship) should be dedicated to Allāh Alone. Allāh (Glorified be He) says: And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him Allāh (Glorified be He) also says: Say (O Muhammad ﷺ ): "Verily, my Salāt (prayer), my sacrifice my living, and my dying are for Allāh, the Lord of the `Alamīn (mankind, jinn and all that exists). He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims." Allāh (Exalted be He) also addresses His Prophet (peace be upon him) saying: Verily, We have granted you (O Muhammad ﷺ ) Al-Kauthar (a river in Paradise). Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only). The Prophet (ﷺ) also said: May Allāh curse whoever dedicates a slaughtered animal to other than Him. Accordingly, it is impermissible to dedicate slaughtered animals to the jinn, dead Shaykhs or to other objects like idols, trees, stones, or to angels or prophets. Slaughtered animals, Hady (sacrificial animal offered by pilgrims) and Ud-hiyah (sacrificial animal offered by non-pilgrims) must be dedicated to Allāh Alone with the intention of becoming closer to Him. For example, one may say, "I vow to slaughter a camel, a cow or a sheep and dedicate its meat to Allāh Alone in case He cures my sick son or father or brother." This vow is considered an act of obedience and it must be fulfilled. However, it is an act of major Shirk to intend dedicating a slaughtered animal to a dead Shaykh in the belief that he can cure a patient or intercede for a person on the Day of Judgment. By the same token, the Muslim will be committing an act of major Shirk if he seeks the help of a certain Shaykh to cure ack person or give him support or beseech the help of the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) to cure ackness or to provide support. The same applies to seeking the help of Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir to give support to a person or cure them or return a missing person. All these are acts of major Shirk. It is impermissible to invoke the dead, seek help from them or make vows for their sake. It is also impermissible to ask the jinn to fulfill a certain need or to make vows for their sake. All these are Munkar (that which is unacceptable or disapproved of by Islāmic law and Muslims of sound intellect) acts of major Shirk. Allāh (Glorified be He) says, so invoke not anyone along with Allāh. Furthermore, Allāh (Glorified be He) says, "And invoke not besides Allāh, any such that will neither profit you nor harm you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers)." Allāh (Glorified and Exalted be He) says, So worship Allāh...


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2 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/05/01 منتشر شده است.
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