Imperativo italiano + vocabolario della cucina - Italian Imperative Mood - Impératif Italien

78.7 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - Exercises and explanation:
Exercises and explanation:

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Here we are with a new lesson! This time we will analyze how to use the imperative to prepare a delicious a donut cake! That’s what we mean with “unire l’utile al dilettevole” (combining business with pleasure)

How to form Italian Imperative

Imperative is a mood used to give commands, orders and indications…

With the person tu/voi (you) It has the same, identical conjugation of present simple, but without personal pronous:

Prendi il mio cellulare! (Take my cellphone!)

State attenti alla lezione di oggi! (Pay attention to today’s lesson)

WATCH OUT! With the second person singular of the verbs ending with ARE we use the root of the verb + A:

Passa la palla! (Pass the ball!)

To form the imperative with noi (we) and Lei (you) (formal pronoun) we use present subjunctive:

Iniziamo subito! (Let’s get started)

Prego, vada avanti! (Please, go ahead)


With Lei, noi and voi, negative imperative is formed placing the negation NON before the imperative verb

Non vada! (Don’t go!)

Non prendiamo! (Let’s not take!)

Non mangiate! (Don’t eat!)

Negative imperative of the second person singular tu (you) is always just formed with NON + infinitive

Non prendere! (Don’t take!)

Non andare! (Don’t go!)

Non dormire! (Don’t sleep!)

When the imperative is accompained by a pronoun complement, this one is united to the verb by a single word:

Prendi il quaderno! → Prendilo! (Take the notebook! → Take it!)

Parla a me! → Parlami! (Talk to me!)

But, in the negative form the pronoun can be placed both before the verb an between the verb and the negation.

Non prenderlo = Non lo prendere! (Don’t lose it!)

Non parlatemi! = Non mi parlate! (Don’t talk to me!)

Imperative Irregular Verbs

TU (you-sigular) VOI (you-plurar)
ESSERE (to be) Sii Siate
AVERE (to have) Abbi Abbiate
SAPERE (to know) Sappi Sappiate
DARE (to give) Da’ / Dai Date
FARE (to do) Fa’ / Fai Fate
STARE (to stay) Sta’ / Stai State
ANDARE (to go) Va’ / Vai Andate
DIRE (to say) Di’ Dite
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/04/24 منتشر شده است.
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