How to counter pick Pugna -Dota 2 Counter picking guide #11

Goodboy Guides
Goodboy Guides
37.8 هزار بار بازدید - 10 سال پیش - A definitive guide on how
A definitive guide on how to counter for and against Pugna - LOOK OUT OUTWORLD DEVOURER!!!

Nether ward rips to shreds pretty much anyone that has high mana cost spells, or needs to spam spells continuously. Decrepify can prevent right click damage, and Pugna's nukes will kill most low HP heroes...

Look out for other nukers, gankers, and silencers - Pugna is a squishy hero...

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10 سال پیش در تاریخ 1393/12/29 منتشر شده است.
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