Fibonacci phi pi Union ( Discovery of 2013 )

1 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - " The Fibonaaci & JNHM
" The Fibonaaci & JNHM Matrix Grid "
(uploaded as basic proof of the discovery first) (( this is NOT like binary sequencing ,The Lucas Numbers , or the algebraic Fibonacci or Lucas
Formula , which this actually proves to NOT be correct , as a fact of the Fibonacci sequences , you CANNOT just start with any given number ...)

18x13 Update ... on my Matrix Grid / add-on  discovery with Fibonacci's Famous Number Sequence ...  

And Honestly My Matrix Should and Will Change History because we now know for Sure the ancient Egyptians used a Pre ! Fibonacci sequence that is found in my Matrix so Why Call it the Fibonacci sequence at all ? when we know who had it before ... I say Its Thoth's Sequence , and if the government would release his last to emerald tablets it might prove it .. there way to sneaky ..
Another Thing  you may want to know about is Called "Binary Sequence" that i found interesting and kinda related but ! is Nothing like My Matrix because it doesn't have an infinity of lines...  only it can be infinite like one of the Matrix Lines ...
why this video update?
i think this Matrix Solves Many problems if you know how to understand it ... one thing being what particles are random in the quantum world ...  and maybe even how entropy is not the only fact stopping us from traveling to the past  ... running the math back past zero gets tricky .. but can be done .. simply following the original rules . (( as a law 112 = & 1+1 Must = 2 , running that backwards means the   just 2-1 =1  so you can get the answer to the Left of what ever pair you see (.)(.) .. but not just using Phi , the golden ration because this some how varies like the quantum particles .. but by that simple formula ...
also i get a feeling that the Zero's (0)  are not really True absolute zero as we think in math , i think its some  0.0???%  percentage of something very small ..

please give your thoughts  and comments  
and yes #Matrix #12 is off by Two spaces i saw that right away .. which brings me too  , the Future Chart/Matrix/Grid  must Huge , and going in all directions .. then have a search ...  
this very well may change the future , and i know my other inventions will , just wait
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/02/01 منتشر شده است.
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