In memory of Jodie Devos | Flashback – World Opera Day 2021 at Opéra Comique

13.2 هزار بار بازدید - هفته قبل - To honour the memory of
To honour the memory of Jodie Devos who died on 16 June 2024 at age just 35, OperaVision is here restreaming Opéra Comique’s film about the next generation of talent in Paris for which the Belgian soprano was our guide during World Opera Day 2021. As a young artist associated with this famous theatre, Devos had a unique perspective on opportunities there for singers which she narrates in words, song and extracts of her performances of French repertoire. She showed us the beautiful spaces of Salle Favart and la Maîtrise Populaire de l’Opéra in full youthful voice. With our deepest sympathies to all Jodie’s closest colleagues, friends and family.
هفته قبل در تاریخ 1403/03/29 منتشر شده است.
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