
5.7 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - 穿行於人妖兩界的陰陽師晴明,因與一眾妖怪締結契約,釀成大禍,深陷危機。晴明背負世人對他與妖為盟的指責,掙扎於為人的善良本性、為妖的強大誘惑之中,好在,和百旎曾締結侍神令而心有歸處的他,堅持以自己的方式守護平京城。當匯聚妖力的鱗石失竊、妖皇企圖捲土重來的陰謀浮出水面,兩界大戰一觸即發。在風雲突變、局勢動蕩的危急時刻,晴明恍然發現,自己人妖混血的身份,竟是這一切災禍的關鍵Onmyoji Seimei, who travels between
Onmyoji Seimei, who travels between the worlds of human and monster, is in deep crisis because of his contract with a group of monsters. Seimei bears the world's accusations that he is an alliance with demons, and struggles with his kind nature as a human being and the powerful temptation of being a demon. Fortunately, he, who had signed a decree of serving the gods with Bai Ni and had a home in his heart, insisted on his own. way to protect the city of Pingjing. When the scale stone that gathered the demon power was stolen, and the conspiracy of the demon emperor's attempt to make a comeback surfaced, the war between the two worlds was imminent. At a critical moment when the situation was changing and the situation was turbulent, Seimei suddenly found out that his identity as a hybrid of human and demon was the key to all these disasters.
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/05/19 منتشر شده است.
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