5.2 هزار بار بازدید - 7 ماه پیش - Any views thoughts or opinions
Any views thoughts or opinions are that of the creator of the video=StudentOfUnifiedLife
My name at birth was Cryderman, having roots in the name" Krauterman " which simply means" herb man"...oddly enough back in germany many many years ago the name meant " pharmacist" as there were no pharmacies long ago herbalists WHERE  pharmacists except with much more natural empathic gifts than your pharmacists today ,(relatively speaking of course) i will share my path of recovery with others that may be lost just like i was ...i used plant medicine to heal myself from a debiltating opiate addiction ( iv) with the help of a myriad of plant medicine from many seperate traditions i owe my life to plant medicine and i learned from everything from youtube. i was able to master myself through intense self reflection and acceptance of every failure in my life ...a necessary transition to forge me into the person i am today ...I only write this to tell you that i appreciate you .Thank you for existing , it does get better dont give up  i want  form a community of like minded people and show the importance of symbiosis with nature and the connection to our creator as it applies to self empowerment  ...i just need to work on my messaging i want to be a life coach and specialize in nutrition and addiction recovery ill be directing my intention towards those too proud to see a psychiatrsit or go to rehab .i have beat every drug there is now im addicted to myself and feeling amazing without the drugs i also teach people to fish and guide also i feel a great sense of fulfillment teaching others what i already love and helping them experience the love and beauty i see.  I love identifying all the plant life and teaching my kids, why not teach anyone who needs to learn ?money brings out the worst in people and the stuff i did in the past to get money makes me ashamed and i always think of the story where jesus started flipping tables in the market where the people were being manipulated ..i get emotional theres some sort of generational trauma... im still trying to put the pieces together and know myself ...ill  figure it out .i WILL make it i was already shown this by god or by myself with the lense of god and the help of JACOBS LADDER  ... I WAS MEANT TO HELP OTHERS GOING THROUGH THE SAME TRAUMA .BEATING OPIATE ADDICTION / METHADONE WAS THE HARDEST THING IVE EVER DONE I WAS MESSED UP FOR A COUPLE YEARS JUST TRYING TO ADJUST TO THIS NEW HARSH REALITY MY NEUROTRANSMITTERS WERE NON EXISTANT MY BRAIN ?DAMAGED FROM OVERDOSE AND SUICIDE ATTEMPTS YES I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION YOU SEE FROM A YOUNG AGE IVE HAD SERATONIN ISSUES AND MOST THAT DO DONT EVEN KNOW IT BECAUSE THEY HAVE LIVED THIS WAY THERE WHOLE LIVES .I HAVE SOME TRICKS TO GET YOUR NEURO TRANSMITTERS BACK ONLINE TO REGAIN YOUR SENSE OF HUMOUR, SENSE OF PURPOSE , SENSES PERIOD .CALL FOR A CONSULTATION ...SEE IF WE ARE MEANT TO HELP EACH OTHER ITS FIND MY TRIBE SEASON AND IM LOOKING FOR THOSE TOO PROUD TO ASK FOR HELP JUST LIKE ME .LIKE I SAID YOUTUBE IS WHERE I TURNED WHEN I NEEDED HELP SO I KNOW THERES ALOOOT OF PEOPLE WITH THE SAME MENTALITY ...I HAVE DEVELOPED A PROFOUND UNDERSTANDING OF HOW ALL DISEASE STARTS IN MY SEARCH FOR TRUTH AND IN TODAYS DAY AND AGE ITS CRUCIAL WITH 1 IN 2 MALES DEVELOPING CANCER IN THIS LIFETIME ...I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS IM SORRY IVE COME TOO FAR AND OVERCOME WAY TOO MUCH .I FEEL OBLIGATED TO MAKE IT MY SOUL MISSION TO SHOW OTHERS THE PATH I TOOK TO RECOVERY AND HELP THEM OVERCOME WHAT QUITE POSSIBLY COULD END UP IN SUICIDE OR LIFE IN JAIL .I KNOW I WAS LOOKING AT LIFE IN JAIL ALL RELATED TO POOR SELF MASTERY AGGRAVATED BY ADDICTION AND THE RESULTING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES PHYSICAL ISSUES I HAD CRONES , OBESITY ,HEART TROUBLE ,LIVER ISSUES,RAGE THIS IS A LONG LIST CALL4166162243 FREE YOURSELF!!!
7 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/09/29 منتشر شده است.
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