坦克500越野横评首测!平替途乐霸道有富裕?The first off-road test of Tank 500 in the Horizontal Evaluation!

易车原创节目Yiche Original
易车原创节目Yiche Original
89 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - 本期《易车横评》将围绕硬派越野圈的当红炸子鸡坦克500展开,为了试探它的实力究竟如何,我们请来了两位曾经叱咤江湖的老兵—丰田普拉多3.5和日产途乐4.0与之对垒。除了老前辈,我们还租来了百万内硬派越野的天花板路虎卫士110与之同场较量,坦克500能否和“大魔王”掰掰手腕呢?四位大块头谁的刹车热衰严重?谁的麋鹿表现惨不忍睹?谁的油耗令人心惊胆颤?谁的越野实战能力可以所向披靡?如果这些问题成功勾起了您的兴趣,那看就完了! This Horizontal Evaluation of
本期《易车横评》将围绕硬派越野圈的当红炸子鸡坦克500展开,为了试探它的实力究竟如何,我们请来了两位曾经叱咤江湖的老兵—丰田普拉多3.5和日产途乐4.0与之对垒。除了老前辈,我们还租来了百万内硬派越野的天花板路虎卫士110与之同场较量,坦克500能否和“大魔王”掰掰手腕呢?四位大块头谁的刹车热衰严重?谁的麋鹿表现惨不忍睹?谁的油耗令人心惊胆颤?谁的越野实战能力可以所向披靡?如果这些问题成功勾起了您的兴趣,那看就完了! This Horizontal Evaluation of Bitauto will focus on the hottest model Tank 500 among the off-road vehicles.In order to test the strength of this vehicle, we selected two classic models that used to be very popular-Toyota Prado 3.5and Nissan Patrol 4.0 to compete with it.In addition to these vehicles, we also rented the Land Rover 110, a ceiling model of the off-road vehicles with a price of less than one million yuan, to compete with it.Could the Tank 500 compete with the "Big Devil"?Which of the four vehicles has the worst thermal decay?Which vehicle had the worst performance in the moose test?Which vehicle's fuel consumption is frightening?Which vehicle's actual off-road capability is ever victorious?If these questions successfully pique your interest,you only need to watch this Horizontal Evaluation of Bitauto.
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/02/05 منتشر شده است.
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