Face Recognition Project in MATLAB using Transfer learning (with complete code)

Knowledge Amplifier
Knowledge Amplifier
13.2 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - Sorry for the spelling mistake
Sorry for the spelling mistake in the name of Shahrukh Khan. Check the complete Project explanation & implementation from scratch:    • Complete Face Recognition Project Usi...   Note: You need to create the database which contains 2 folders (total number of different classes you want to keep in your project , which is in this case 2 , one is my face , another is face of Shahrukh Khan) Code to create database (take image & extract the face part using viola-jones algorithm and resize to 227 *227 , to train alexnet is given in the comment section) Train Model: clc close all g=alexnet; layers=g.Layers; layers(23)=fullyConnectedLayer(2); layers(25)=classificationLayer; allImages=imageDatastore('Dhamna','IncludeSubfolders',true, 'LabelSource','foldernames'); opts=trainingOptions('sgdm','InitialLearnRate',0.001,'MaxEpochs',20,'MiniBatchSize',64); myNet=trainNetwork(allImages,layers,opts); save myNet; Testing Model: clc;close;clear c=webcam; load myNet; faceDetector=vision.CascadeObjectDetector; while true e=c.snapshot; bboxes =step(faceDetector,e); if(sum(sum(bboxes))~=0) es=imcrop(e,bboxes(1,:)); es=imresize(es,[227 227]); label=classify(myNet,es); image(e); title(char(label)); drawnow; else image(e); title('No Face Detected'); end end Learn Digital Image Processing using MATLAB:    • Digital Image Processing using MATLAB   Learn Machine Learning & Data Science using MATLAB:    • Data Science & Machine Learning using... … #DigitalImageProcessing #MATLAB #ComputerVision #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #TransferLearning
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/06/28 منتشر شده است.
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