"Where Did You Get Those Jeans?" an Evening of Debate on the Ethics of Throwaway Fashion at the V&A

Intelligence Squared
Intelligence Squared
3.6 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - Want to join the debate?
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Filmed at the V&A on 6th November 2013.

The V&A recently acquired a new item for its collection: a pair of Primark jeans very likely to have been made in the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh which collapsed in April, killing over a thousand garment workers. A further 2,500 were left injured, many severely disabled. Such an  event is hardly unique. Just this month at least nine people were killed in a fire at a clothing factory near the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka. There are factories like this all over the developing world, with notoriously poor safety standards and millions of people working long hours in appalling conditions for a pittance of a wage.

Who is to blame? Is it you and me -- the Western shoppers who buy the cheap t-shirts and jeans, or the international brands which sell them? Is it the factory owners who put up the shoddy buildings in the first place and enforce the notorious working practices? Or the governments which refuse to heed the trade unions, leaving the workers powerless to change their lot?

Is the problem really so hard to fix? Campaigners say that the fact that wages are so low makes the cost of fixing the problem low too. In fact it would cost a mere 15p more on the labour cost of each pair of jeans to give workers a fair deal. Most of us would happily pay that tiny bit extra amount so what's stopping it from happening?

On Nov 6th Intelligence Squared and the V&A brought together an expert panel to discuss these questions.
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/08/21 منتشر شده است.
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