Build Massive Chest Muscles With Dumbbell Press For Pecs

Darin Steen
Darin Steen
486 هزار بار بازدید - 16 سال پیش - Want Real Results?  Join Me
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The "Dumbbell Press Exercise" is the #1 Chest exercise.  It is better the barbell bench press because it puts the tension in the pec muscles.  Where as the barbell press is more of a restrictive movement & some of the tension can go to the rotator cuff and tendons.
Remember to keep the feet, buns, & shoulder blades on the floor and bench while arching the lower back about 3-5 inches off the bench.  

Go slow with a 3-1-3 tempo and focus on squeezing water out of a sponge mentality as you are driving the bells slowly to the top.  As you bring the bells down, slightly face the palms toward each other as this will kick the elbows into the body slightly.  At the bottom make sure to keep the bells 2-4 inches away from the chest to keep constant tension on the pecs.

I started passionately studying what lean people were doing in 1987; because my waistline was 40 inches.  I have learned a lot since then.  I am now in the best shape
of my life at the age of 43.  My waistline is now 31 inches around.  

Nutrition is 60-70% of your fat loss / muscle gain program.  Follow me & I will teach
you exactly how to eat for your body type, activity level, starting point, & your goals.

You can work-out till your blue in the face but if you do not incorporate Interval Cardio (done first thing in the morning in a fasted state), intense functional multi-joint, compound exercises, small healthy meals often with protein and carbs combined together, positive mindset, goal setting & social support (you will turn into who you hang around) you will not change your body much.

But if you do focus on the 5 pillars of fitness & health, you will radically change your waistline, your lifestyle, and your life.  For more incredible before and after testimonials;
Real People, With Real Results in my private Chicago studio, go to

And as you do focus on the 4 pillars of fitness & health, you will radically change your waistline, your lifestyle, and your life. For more incredible before and after testimonials; Of Real People, With Real Results in my private Chicago studio, go to I have personally sold and serviced over 17,000 work-outs, one session at a time. Over 500 people have graduated from my "FATLOSS LIFESTYLE" 12 Week Body Transformation System. Through that experience I have learned a lot about how to motivate, inspire, and inform anyone and everyone on the benefits of living your dreams. Cause as you "Get a better body; you will get a better life".

The main reason to workout abs is because strong abs will stabilize your lower back and prevent you from an injury; but as a side benefit a 6-pack looks great!

Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn't have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A couple of rubber bands & some good exercises is all it takes to get started with your home workouts. You do not need any equipment. In fact most of the clubs are wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on equipment that is making peoples bodies less functional and worse off.

If you sign up for my free "Reach Your True Potential" Newsletter at you will have free access to 10 things that will blowtorch your fat away.

You will get all kinds of bonus's like the "No Equipment Needed Exercise of The Month", and "Prepared in 3 Minutes - Fat loss Meal of The Month" every month.

I highly advice you to pick one mentor at a time, limit your information, train hard & smart, and expect success!!

Some of the people that I respect are Tom Venuto & Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle, Craig Ballantyne & Turbulence Training, Mike Geary & Six Pack Abdominal Program, Dr. Al Sears & his Pace cardio program, Dr. Mercola, & Depoch Chopra and his spirituality teachings

      Your Fitness Friend,
            Just Do It!!
16 سال پیش در تاریخ 1387/04/29 منتشر شده است.
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