4 Quls (100 Times) | Black Screen Quran Recitation | Surah (Kafiroon, Ikhlas, Falaq, Nas)

The Healing Energy
The Healing Energy
830.4 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - Beautiful Black Screen Quran Recitation
Beautiful Black Screen Quran Recitation of 4 Quls repeated 100 Times (Surah Al-Kafirun / Surah Kafiroon / سورة الكافرون | Surah Al-Ikhlas / Surah Ikhlas / سورة الاخلاص | Surah Al-Falaq / Surah Falak / سورة الفلق | Surah An-nas / Surah Al-nas / Surah Naas / سورة الناس

4 Qurls (Char Qul) As Muslims, we believe that Quran as a whole is the book of ultimate guidance for the entire human race. Thus, the whole of Quran should be recited and practiced upon. Having said that, there are a number of portions in the Holy Quran that have more virtue and impact on the spiritual aspects of human beings. One of such portions of the Quran is the four Quls. There are numerous benefits of Four Quls of Quran.

The routinely 4 Qul recitation is very helpful to protect your home from the harms of black magic and other evils. People also recite these 4 Quls for Nazar i.e. evil eye. Due to the common acceptance of the 4 Quls for protection black magic, you can see these Quls in many homes, shop, and other business establishments as “4 Qul Shareef in Arabic”. In the following, we are going to explain briefly what is Four Quls (4 Qul) and what are the benefits and importance of the 4 Quls.

4 Quls is the title of the 4 small Surahs of the Holy Quran. These Surahs are called 4 Quls because they all begin with the word Qul that means “Say”. These Surahs are Surah al-Kafirun, Surah al-Ikhlas, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah al-Nas. The Surah al-Kafirun provides the strategy of dealing with non-Muslims in a situation where they are adamant in adversary towards Islam and deny to accept Islam. In this Surah, Allah Almighty taught the Holy Prophet how to deal with the people of Makkah. Allah told him to say that neither Muslims are going to start worshipping their false Gods, nor the people of Makka are going to come into the fold of Islam. The crux of the Surah al-Kafirun is its last verse which says “لكم دينكم و لي دين” which means “To you is your faith and to me is mine.” The Surah al-Ikhlas is about the oneness of Allah Almighty. The Surah says that there no one who can be equivalent to Allah Almighty. The Surah al-Falaq is about seeking the protection of Allah Almighty from the harms of black magic. Lastly, the Surah Al-Nas is about seeking the protection of Allah Almighty from the negative thoughts that are instilled in our hearts and minds by the evils of humankind and jinns.

Benefits and Importance of 4 Qul
          To keep the order, we are going to start from the first of the 4 Surahs and then will move to the next one.

Read 4 Quls Benefits
The Surah al-Kafirun is equal to one-quarter of the whole of the Quran al-Kareem. The Surah gives the Muslim the lesson to stick with your Iman when you are in a society with non-Muslims who are hostile against Islam. If the non-Muslims deny accepting the message of Islam, you should not bother and stick to what is given to you by the Prophet peace be upon him. As far as the benefits of the recitation of the Surah al-Kafirun is concerned, according to a Hadith narrated by Imam Abu Dawood, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him said: “recite Surah al-Kafirun before going to bed because this Surah cleans from Shirk.” Also, the one who recites Surah al-Kafirun before going to sleep remains safe the whole night. The parents need to make their kids recite after them this Surah before sleeping if the kids are so young that they did not learn recitation of Quran yet.
The Surah al-Ikhlas is the Surah of Quran which provides the definition of Allah Almighty and strongest logic of His oneness. As far the benefits of the recitation of Surah al-Ikhlas are concerned, according to a Hadith narrated by Ma’az bin Anas may Allah be pleased with him, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him said: “Whoever recites Surah Ikhlas ten times, Allah Almighty will build a house for him in the heaven. According to some other traditions, the three times recitation of the Surah al-Ikhlas is equal to the recitation of the whole of Quran.

#4Quls #BlackScreen #Quran

This work (Audio) is attributable to Abdullah Al-Khalaf.
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/10/05 منتشر شده است.
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