A Prayer of Repentance for America... Please join Me ❤️ By Mark Taylor

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A Prayer of Repentance for America... By Mark Taylor - Please join me

September 7, 2017

If you would please join me and take your positions in a place of humility and a contrite heart, laying face down, or in a kneeling position before the Lord. If you are not physically able to do this God will honor you right where you are with whatever you are able to do even if you are laying in a bed right now.

Prayer of Repentance

Father in the name of Jesus we come before Your throne as Your Army, with humble and contrite hearts in repentance. Father as we step onto the battlefield of righteousness, we walk in a spirit of unity, with one heart, one mind, and one accord, to disarm and take away any legal right, the enemy may have over Your people, and Your country, called the United States of America. Father we decree and declare, we will take back what belongs to You, through this act of target focused repentance that we are engaged in.

Father in the name of Jesus we repent for not having a humble heart, walking in pride, having haughty spirits, and attitudes, thinking because we are in leadership we don't have to repent. Father we repent for not walking in a spirit of repentance daily and for not discipling others to do the same, knowing that an effective warfare starts with target focused repentance. Father in the name of Jesus we repent for engaging in friendly fire, attacking others in the Body of Christ, shooting our own wounded because we may not agree with a person.

We repent for our arrogance, murdering others with our words when Your word says 'thou shall not murder'. Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having a religious, legalistic, and critical spirit, creating chaos, aiding the kingdom of darkness, and committing spiritual treason by dividing the brethren. Father in the name of Jesus we repent for not operating in a spirit of unity, love, mercy, and grace, for allowing our love to grow cold, and not showing the same love, mercy, and grace, that You have shown us. Father we ask that You would heal the division among Your people, give us the strength, the maturity, and the discernment to push away everything that is separating us from You, from one another, and from operating as the one true army you have chosen us to be.

Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having an intellectual knowledge of You, but truly not knowing Your ways. Father forgive us for the spiritual arrogance this has created, operating out of our intellect, versus out of Your Spirit, for honoring You with our lips but our hearts are far from You. Father we repent for aiding the kingdom of darkness and committing spiritual treason by having an escapism mentality, taking ourselves out of the fight and for influencing and leading others astray down this same path.

Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having a spirit of cowardice, always taking a defensive posture and not going on the offensive when You gave us all the power over the enemy. Father we decree and declare this day, that as Your Army, we will go on the offensive from this day forward, no longer in retreat, but taking the fight to the enemy. Father we repent for taking ground for Your kingdom but not leaving anything in place to hold that ground, allowing the enemy to come back in 7 fold worse, only having to fight harder to reclaim the ground that we freely gave away.

Father we decree and declare this day as Your Army, that we will take ground for the Kingdom of God and we will hold that ground at all costs. Father we repent for not discipling people, and the next generation, to hold that ground we have taken, and to continue the fight. Father we ask in the name of Jesus that You would give us a spirit of courage and boldness with the intensity that has never been seen in the history of mankind, to take back this.country and this earth for Your kingdom.

6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/11/06 منتشر شده است.
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