Python Inventory Management System Source Code | Python Project With MySQL Database [ With Code ]

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Python Inventory Management System Source Code :

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This Project Is Created Using:
- python programming language.
- vscode.
- mysql database.
- for images.
- for colors.
- text file to print order details.

what this python inventory system project can do:
in this project if you login as an user with the user type user you can:
in products tab:
- add,edit,remove the selected product
- display all products from mysql database into treeview.
- search products.

in categories tab:
- insert,update,delete selected category
- show all categories from mysql database into treeview.
- navigate between categories using two buttons next and previous

in customers tab:
- insert,update,delete selected customer
- show all customer from mysql database into treeview.
- button to clear all textfields
- get the selected customer number of orders, total orders amount, get the customer last order date

in orders tab:
- when the order from will show up you can see 3 treeview one for the customers,
one for the products, and another for the products you want to add in the order
- you can display products in treeview depending on the category you want using combobox
- show all the orders
- add the products you want to the order and select the quantity you want
- remove the products you want from the order
- clear the table order.

but if you login as an user with the user type admin you can a unique tab
visible only for the admin, it's the user tab in users tab:
- add,edit,remove the selected user

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#python_Inventory #python_Inventory_Management_System #inventory_management_system
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/04/07 منتشر شده است.
22,759 بـار بازدید شده
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