What Happened to MASTER YODA'S Lightsaber AFTER Order 66? [CANON] - Star Wars Explained

13.5 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - This is the UNSETTLING Fate
This is the UNSETTLING Fate of What happened to Yoda's Lightsaber AFTER Revenge of the Sith.

Throughout the Clone Wars, Master Yoda used a distinctive, green bladed shoto-lightsaber to defend himself and lead his Clones into battle across the galaxy. Unfortunately, he lost possession of the unique weapon after his fight with Sith Lord Darth Sidious, inside of the Galactic Senate building, marking the first time in hundreds of years that Master Yoda did not possess a lightsaber. So what happened to Yoda’s lightsaber after Revenge of the Sith?

I’m going to break down the full history of Master Yoda’s green bladed lightsaber and it’s tragic fate after his intense fight with Chancellor Palpatine and the fall of the Jedi Order.

Master Yoda’s lightsaber was constructed only a few short years after he joined the Jedi Order, Under the guidance of Professor Huyang, the ancient architect droid who had been used by young Jedi since the very early days of the order. This was the same Jedi architect droid that helped Katooni, Petro and the other Jedi younglings to construct their own lightsabers after returning from Ilum with Ahsoka Tano in the Clone Wars.

Just like these younglings, Master Yoda was also required to make the rigorous trip to the icy world of Ilum when he was a young student, where his mind and connection to the light side of the force was tested. The mission proved to be incredibly eventful, with many other Jedi passing down the story of Master Yoda’s action packed trip to collect his Green kyber crystal on the planet.

His Green Shoto saber served him very well, all the way from the battle of Geonosis and his fight with his former apprentice Count Dooku, up until his famous battle with Darth Sidious.  After Sidious unleashed incredibly powerful bolts of force lightning at the Jedi Grandmaster, he was unable to keep hold of the blade, leaving it to drop to the absolute bottom of the senate chamber. Because he was unarmed, Master Yoda was forced to flee from the area, where Commander Thire and the Coruscant guard began to hunt him. Unfortunately, he was never able to reclaim the lightsaber before he went into his long exile on the swampy world of Dagobah. So what happened to it after he left Coruscant?

Unfortunately, after Sidious was successful in his battle with Master Yoda, he and the Clone Troopers collected the small green blade and held it for safekeeping. Following this however, every Clone Commander who executed Order 66 was likely required to collect the lightsaber of the Jedi that they had just killed and return them to Coruscant immediately. Once the lightsabers of the Jedi like Aayla Secura, Ki-Adi Mundi, Depa Billaba, Plo Koon and all of the others were collected, they were added to the same storage pile where Master Yoda’s was kept, in preparation for a massive, terrifying public event. Not long after, this major public event finally took place, with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda and the Clone Troopers of the Coruscant guarding presenting the pile of lightsabers to the public, as a huge show of strength. The event was projected around the Galaxy, with Emperor Palpatine using the occasion to further strengthen his message that the traitorous Jedi were finally wiped from the Galaxy. Mas Amedda continued to broadcast this message across the galaxy, that the Jedi attempted to assassinate the Chancellor in his office, and that they have finally faced the dire consequences for their actions. As he is delivering this speech, the Clone Troopers of the Coruscant guard begin to load the countless Jedi lightsabers into the chamber, ready to ultimately be destroyed in a rageful burst of heat and energy. With the eyes of the Galaxy firmly fixed on Mas Amedda through the Holonet, being projected to every screen controlled by the Empire, he holds up the infamous Shoto-saber that once Belonged to Jedi Grandmaster Yoda high in the air, with pride. After displaying the ancient weapon to the crowd, Mas Amedda throws it gracefully into the chamber with the rest of the lightsabers, and prepares to ignite the flame. Finally, as Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader watch from the shadows, the Clone Troopers ignite the chamber, melting away the metal hilts of the Jedi Lightsabers, putting an end to the ages old tradition of lightsaber creation in the Jedi Order. Master Yoda’s vibrant green blade was unfortunately melted away and violently destroyed in the chamber. Moments later however, a bright blue burst of light and energy emanates from the chamber, shocking the surrounding Clone Troopers and Mas Amedda himself. Vader and the Emperor continue to carefully watch on, as they soon realize that the burst of luminous blue light was the destruction of the living kyber crystals inside of each blade.
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/06/19 منتشر شده است.
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