When misunderstanding pushes a life into silence | Nguyễn Thị Xuyến

Nguyễn Thị Xuyến
Nguyễn Thị Xuyến
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In the darkness of suspicion and misunderstanding, my two young children and I were caught up in a family storm that pushed us out of our home. My mother-in-law and husband, who were once my emotional support, have now become the ones who question my fidelity, leaving us with no support. That night, we wandered everywhere, desperate and exhausted, not knowing if the vast sky still had room for helpless lives like ours.

When it seemed like all hope was lost, dawn brought a glimmer of light. A stranger with a kind heart opened his arms and helped us have a small tent to hide in. That person not only gave us a temporary roof over his head, but also opened a new path so we could start life again, once again feeling warmth and hope. In the cold of the long night, that kindness was like a fire that warmed our souls, arousing faith in the good things that still exist in this vast world.

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When misunderstanding pushes a life into silence | Nguyen Thi Xuyen
ماه قبل در تاریخ 1403/02/29 منتشر شده است.
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