The gospel of Matthew | Jesus Christ: from birth to resurrection | 165 Subtitles | Languages with C

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00:00 - Chapter 01 Genealogy of Jesus - Birth of Jesus
04:54 - Chapter 02 Visit of the Magi - Flight to Egypt - Massacre of the Infants - Return from Egypt
13:04 - Chapter 03 Preaching of John the Baptist - Baptism of Jesus
17:34 - Chapter 04 Temptation of Jesus - Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry - The First Disciples
24:45 - Chapter 05 The Sermon on the Mount - The Beatitudes - Similes of Salt and Light - Teaching About the Law - Teaching About Anger - Teaching About Adultery - Teaching About Divorce - Teaching About Oaths - Teaching About Retaliation - Love of Enemies
33:33 - Chapter 06 Teaching About Almsgiving - Teaching About Prayer - The Lord’s Prayer - Teaching About Fasting - Treasure in Heaven - God and Money - Dependence on God
40:20 - Chapter 07  Judging Others - Pearls Before Swine - The Answer to Prayers - The Golden Rule - The Narrow Gate - False Prophets - True Disciples - Two Foundations
46:41 - Chapter 08 Cleansing of a Leper - Healing of a Centurion’s Servant - Cure of Peter’s Mother-in-Law - Other Healings - Conditional Followers of Jesus - Calming of the Storm at Sea - Healing of the Gadarene Demoniacs
57:00 - Chapter 09 Healing of a Paralytic - Call of Matthew - Question About Fasting - Woman with a Hemorrhage - Healing of Two Blind Men - Healing of a Mute Person - Compassion of Jesus
1:08:14 - Chapter 10 Mission of the Twelve - Commissioning of the Twelve - Coming Persecutions - Courage Under Persecution - Jesus: A Cause of Division - Conditions of Discipleship - Rewards
1:15:29 - Chapter 11 Messengers from John the Baptist - Jesus’ Testimony to John - Unrepentant Towns - The Praise of the Father - Gentle Mastery of Christ
1:22:22 - Chapter 12 Picking Grain on the Sabbath - Man with a Withered Hand - Chosen Servant - Jesus and Beelzebul - A Tree and Its Fruits -  Return of the Unclean Spirit - True Family of Jesus
1:34:04 - Chapter 13 Parable of the Sower - Purpose of Parables - Privilege of Discipleship - Explanation of the Parable of the Sower - Parable of the Weeds Among Wheat - Parable of the Mustard Seed - Parable of the Yeast - Use of Parables - More Parables - Treasures New and Old - Rejection at Nazareth
1:45:04 - Chapter 14 Death of John the Baptist - Feeding the Five Thousand - Walking on the Water - Healings at Gennesaret
1:56:01 - Chapter 15 Tradition of the Elders - Canaanite Woman’s Faith - Healing of Many People - Feeding of the Four Thousand
2:04:43 - Chapter 16 Demand for a Sign - Peter’s Confession About Jesus - First Prediction of the Passion - Conditions of Discipleship
2:11:14 - Chapter 17 Transfiguration of Jesus - Healing of a Boy with a Demon - 2nd Prediction of the Passion - Temple Taxes
2:18:48 - Chapter 18 Greatest in the Kingdom - Parable of the Lost Sheep - Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
2:26:12 - Chapter 19 Marriage and Divorce - Blessing of the Children - The Rich Young Man
2:31:33 - Chapter 20 Workers in the Vineyard - 3rd Prediction of the Passion - Healing of Two Blind Men
2:39:08 - Chapter 21 Entry into Jerusalem - Cleansing of the Temple - Parable of the 2 Sons - Parable of the Tenants
2:51:04 - Chapter 22 Parable of the Wedding Feast - Question About the Resurrection - The Greatest Commandment
2:58:58 - Chapter 23 Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees - The Lament over Jerusalem
3:08:20 - Chapter 24 Destruction of the Temple Foretold - Coming Persecutions - The Great Tribulation - Coming of the Son of Man - Lesson of the Fig Tree - Unknown Day and Hour
3:16:58 - Chapter 25 Parable of the 10 Virgins - Parable of the Talents - Judgment of the Nations
3:25:50 - Chapter 26 Conspiracy Against Jesus - Anointing at Bethany - Betrayal by Judas - Preparations for Passover - The Lord’s Supper - Peter’s Denial Foretold - Agony in the Garden - Arrest of Jesus - Jesus Before the Sanhedrin - Peter’s Denial of Jesus
3:49:43 - Chapter 27 Jesus Before Pilate - Death of Judas - Jesus Questioned by Pilate - Jesus Condemned to Death - The Crucifixion - Death of Jesus - Burial of Jesus - Guard at the Tomb
04:05:42 - Chapter 28 The Resurrection of Jesus - Commissioning of the Disciples
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