Mahavatar Babaji Mantra (108 Repetitions)

848.5 هزار بار بازدید - 16 سال پیش - Om Babaji Namaha Disciple
Om Babaji Namaha

Disciple Lahiri Mahasaya talking to his Guru Mahavatar Babaji about Kriya Yoga:
"'Angelic guru, as you have already favored mankind by resurrecting the lost Kriya art, will you not increase that benefit by relaxing the strict requirements for discipleship?' I gazed beseechingly at Babaji. 'I pray that you permit me to communicate Kriya to all seekers, even though at first they cannot vow themselves to complete inner renunciation. The tortured men and women of the world, pursued by the threefold suffering,7 need special encouragement. They may never attempt the road to freedom if Kriya initiation be withheld from them.'

"'Be it so. The divine wish has been expressed through you.' With these simple words, the merciful guru banished the rigorous safeguards that for ages had hidden Kriya from the world. 'Give Kriya freely to all who humbly ask for help.'

"After a silence, Babaji added, 'Repeat to each of your disciples this majestic promise from the Bhagavad Gita: "Swalpamasya dharmasya, trayata mahato bhoyat"-"Even a little bit of the practice of this religion will save you from dire fears and colossal sufferings."'8

"As I knelt the next morning at my guru's feet for his farewell blessing, he sensed my deep reluctance to leave him.

"'There is no separation for us, my beloved child.' He touched my shoulder affectionately. 'Wherever you are, whenever you call me, I shall be with you instantly.'
--From Chapter 32 of Paramahansa Yogananda's "Autobiogaphy of a Yogi"

"I shall never leave my physical body. It will always remain visible to at least a small number of people on this earth" -- Babaji

Vibrations of India Footage by LevViktorov (Russia)

Baba Movie clip by Rajnikanth (Directed by Suresh Krishna)
Originally uploaded by Arjun/livingbytheganges (India)

Music Tmac (Delvinshade Music, NY)

Pictures :

          Paramahansa Yogananda

Edited by Lila Sakura
16 سال پیش در تاریخ 1387/03/01 منتشر شده است.
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