【海洋公園聖誕全城HOHOHO 2023】歡度星光閃閃聖誕🎄點亮小王子80周年星空遊歷之旅✨

香港海洋公園 | Ocean Park Hong Kong
香港海洋公園 | Ocean Park Hong Kong
465.9 هزار بار بازدید - 8 ماه پیش - 【海洋公園聖誕全城HOHOHO 2023】歡度星光閃閃聖誕🎄點亮小王子80周年星空遊歷之旅✨期待已久嘅🎄「中銀Chill Card呈獻:海洋公園聖誕全城HOHOHO 2023」🎄 正式開始啦!即日起至2024年1月1日,一齊同摯愛、屋企人同朋友嚟到海洋公園,享受滿滿嘅冬日氣氛,過一個最閃耀、最溫馨嘅聖誕!記得去齊咁多個限定打卡景點,留記錄低最幸福嘅回憶!📷🎅🏻「閃爍聖誕園」:閃閃發光嘅聖誕樹、仲有充滿節日氣氛嘅裝飾同佈置!✨🎅🏻「聖誕
【海洋公園聖誕全城HOHOHO 2023】歡度星光閃閃聖誕🎄點亮小王子80周年星空遊歷之旅✨

期待已久嘅🎄「中銀Chill Card呈獻:海洋公園聖誕全城HOHOHO 2023」🎄 正式開始啦!

🎅🏻「聖誕 SING 樂匯」:由12月16日開始,會有一連串精彩節目,包括合唱團、管弦樂團以及現場樂隊輪流表演!🎶
🎅🏻「閃亮聖誕派對」:期間限定聖誕老人已經準備好 😎 拉埋聖誕小精靈,同你哋盡情影靚相!

點少得「小王子80周年星空遊歷」嘅打卡位!《小王子》(Le Petit Prince)已經喺海洋公園等緊你~仲有玫瑰花同狐狸,約定大家共度歡欣聖誕!

⭐「小王子星河探索」:嚟到小王子嘅 B612 星球,一齊搭上飛機展開旅程!探索佢曾造訪過嘅星球,再走入 3.5 米高嘅巨型萬花筒 💞 最後嚟到玫瑰花園,欣賞絕美嘅浪漫擺設!
⭐「小王子星光藝廊」:你睇吓!有星星呀!🤩 同摯愛喺星光下漫步,抬頭見到掛滿燈飾嘅天幕,仲有小王子、玫瑰花,同狐狸嘅身影,緊係要即刻影相!📸
⭐「小王子星願留影」 :坐海洋列車前往高峰樂園, 更可欣賞高達 5 米的巨型紀念像,盡情與小王子及狐狸打卡。



[#ChristmasSensationHOHOHO] Embark on a Sparkling Holiday! 💫
Ocean Park's long-awaited 🎄 "Ocean Park Christmas Sensation HOHOHO 2023 presented by BOC Chill Card" 🎄 officially started!

From now until 1 Jan 2024, bring your loved ones, family, and friends to the Park and surround yourself with our festive winter vibes. 🥰 Come have a dazzling and heart-warming Christmas holiday as you capture all-new happy memories at the Park's exclusive attractions! 📷

🎅🏻 Christmas Garden of Glitz: Let our sparkling Christmas trees and festive decorations get you in the winter mood for sweet moments!
🎅🏻 Jingle All The Way: Starting from 16 Dec, catch all the amazing performances with choirs, orchestral music and live bands to groove along with happiness this Christmas! 🎶
🎅🏻 Christmas Shining Bright Party: Santa Claus and his elves are coming to town to surprise you with festive blessings! 😎

During your visit, be sure to stop by all the charming photo spots for the "Le Petit Prince 80th Anniversary Galactic Voyage". The Little Prince is waiting for you at Ocean Park, along with the rose and the fox, promising a joyful Christmas together!

⭐ Le Petit Prince's Starry Universe: Begin your journey by boarding the plane to planet B612. Explore the planets visited by the Little Prince, then enter a 3.5 meters giant kaleidoscope. 💞 Finally, step into a magnificent chamber overflowing with giant roses!
⭐ Le Petit Prince Light Alley: Look up at all the stars! 🤩 Take a romantic walk with your loved one beneath a starlit sky and admire the twinkling lights. Can you find the images of the Little Prince, the rose, and the fox as you stargaze? 📸
⭐ Le Petit Prince Star Statue: an awe-inspiring statue, standing tall at 5 meters will sure capture the most memorable moment!

Explore the footprints of the Little Prince scattered throughout the Park. Immerse yourself in a magical atmosphere as mesmerizing light projections illuminate Aqua City Lagoon, and venture to the Waterfront Plaza to uncover a garden adorned with an abundance of beautiful roses.

Remember to pick up exclusive souvenirs and delectable treats for an enchanting gastronomic journey during your visit. We'll see you soon in the Park!
Details: https://bit.ly/3RFHfmv

#hkoceanpark #ChristmasSensationHOHOHO2023 #LePetitPrince80thAnniversaryGalacticVoyage #Medialink #BOCChillCard #Christmas2023 #TheLittlePrince #LePetitPrince
#海洋公園 #聖誕全城HOHOHO2023 #小王子80周年星空遊歷之旅 #羚邦 #中銀ChillCard #聖誕好去處 #小王子
8 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/09/22 منتشر شده است.
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